From the description of Helen Gould Shepard genealogical research papers, ca. Helen Gould Shepard, daughter of financier Jay Gould, was a philanthropist and member of numerous patriotic societies; she was born in New York City and died at her summer home in Roxbury, New York. 1 “Jay Gould Resting, ... philanthropic activities as “the passion for equality paired with widespread wealth and a love of money,” and de-scribes it as a solution for the elite during the early twenti-eth century. Frederick Wilson for Tiffany Glass & Company Watercolor on paper, 17 1/2 x 17 1/2 in. WorldCat record id: 603362973 (New York Public Library). Philanthropy is an aspect of Huntington's life which is little known. Helen Gould (Mrs. Jay Gould) memorial window design, c. 1893-94. 1941. In 1887, Jay Gould, a New York railroad baron, arrived at Mount Vernon by yacht. Men like Carnegie, Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan, Jay Gould, and Leland Stanford developed innovative financial and management practices, centralizing control of their far-flung business interests through the use of trusts and holding companies. He established the Huntington Industrial Works at Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, of which he was a trustee. Jobs’s most direct effort at philanthropy was when he set up the Steven P. Jobs Foundation, shortly after he was forced out of Apple in 1985. Jay Gould Often regarded as the most unethical of the Robber Barons, he was involved with Tammany Hall and Boss Tweed early in his career. Philanthropic Activities. After selling his company, Carnegie decided to spend his time for philanthropic activities focusing on local libraries, world peace, education and scientific research. The superintendent, Colonel Harrison Dodge, gave Gould, his wife and three children their first tour of Washington's home. ... 21. The Dutch Reformed Church in Roxbury, New York, Jay Gould’s birthplace, burned in 1891, and Jay Gould was approached to fund a new church edifice. 1835-ca. ... and effectively stopped the Texas and Pacific which was now owned by Jay Gould. The narrative discussed the philanthropy of John D. … Among his philanthropic activities, he funded the establishment of more than 2,500 public libraries around the globe, donated more than 7,600 organs to churches worldwide and endowed organizations (many still in existence today) dedicated to research in science, education, world peace and other causes. Among his gifts was the
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