Frontyard Youth Services Providing help for the physical, social and emotional needs of people between 12 and 25. The Insurance Council of Australia can be contacted with any questions, complaints or concerns about insurance on 1800 734 621. Hols. opens in new window. We deliver Centrelink social security payments and services to Australians. Contact a housing office. Open all day every day: 1800 152 152; Yconnect – Emergency accommodation services for your people under 18: 1800 424 830; NSE HSNet ACT. Learn how our essential services will continue to operate as we respond ‘Together against COVID-19’. Check with your local council if a building permit or other approval is needed. Find services to help you if you're homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Housing Contact Centre P: 1800 422 322 (24 hours a day service line) Link2home. Getting help for victim survivors. We have a range of services to help you in a crisis. Assistance & personal support. You will be advised whether your Rentstart application is approved by SMS and in writing. If you are in need of urgent accommodation please call Link2Home on 1800 152 152. AHO properties managed by Housing NSW are treated as community housing by Centrelink and so household members in these properties may be eligible for CRA. These houses are usually 1, 2 or 3 bedroom and are provided in order of need or what is called priority. There are 5 types of Rentstart assistance: Rentstart Bond Loan – An interest free loan where you can apply for up to 100% of a rental bond. Or contact the Bushfire Customer Care service 13 77 88. Sign in with myGov. call the Housing Contact Centre on 1800 422 322 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. IMPORTANT: If it is an emergency - if anyone is in immediate danger - please call 000 now. Outreach support for homeless or people at risk of homelessness from several Western Sydney Centrelink locations. They can help you with a range of issues including: Disaster Response Legal Service NSW 1800 801 529. You may be eligible for the bond loan if you are an Australian citizen, and a resident of NSW. an ongoing medical condition or disability that impacts on the type of housing you or a member of your household need and evidence to support what is required. The provider will assess a client’s ability to resolve their urgent short-term emergency housing need by looking at the following: If you are experiencing severe hardship and have been forced to leave your home, payments may be found on Centrelink’s Crisis or special help pages. NDIS contacts and help. The Bushfire Housing Assistance service can help with: People impacted by the fires can access the service by: For more information about the Bushfire Housing Assistance Service, visit: To find a local Department of Communities and Justice Housing office, visit: Community Recovery Meetings and mobile services, State Emergency Management Commit​​tee (SEMC), St​ate Emergency Operations Centre (SEOC), Helping Your Clients to Prepare for Emergencies, ​​Emergency Alert Telephone Warning System, ​​​Standard Emergency Warning Signal (SEWS), Publications and Resources for Local Government, NSW Critical Infrastructure Resilience Strategy, Appendix A: Local Government Action Plan and Self-Assessment, Engaging Community in Critical Infratructure Resilience: Partner, Informing Community on Status of Critical Infrastructure Resilience: Provide, Community as Partner in Infrastructure Maintenance: Partner, Planning for Post-disaster Waste: Prepare, Introduction: Local Government User resource, Overview of Local Government User Resource, Infrastructure Resilience: Asset Management, Natural Disaster Resilience Program and Grants, Ministry for Police and Emergency Services Annual Reports, State Emergency Management Committee Annual Reports, Marine Oil and Chemical Spill Contingency, Critical Infrastructure Resilience Strategy, Regional Emergency Management Planning Guideline, Emergency Management Arrangements for NSW, Click here for information on bushfire clean up assistance, Call the Housing Contact Centre on 1800 422 322, Monday to Friday: between 9 and 5pm to complete your form. Contact Bushfire Customer Care on 13 77 88. We acknowledge Aboriginal people as the First Nations Peoples of NSW and pay our respects to Elders past, present, and future. To get emergency assistance you’ll need to start by gathering your financial documents. You can arrange this with your state or territory housing authority. Any payments you make can be returned to you at the end of the tenancy if there is no claim made by the landlord or real estate agent. Legal Aid NSW understands that there will be a lot of questions about money worries, fines, police, housing, Centrelink, employment, guardianship and mental health.
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