The District Council has received the Inspector's Report on the District Plan. We urge all residents and businesses to follow advice from Public Health England. It was prepared by Knight, Kavanagh and Page (KKP) with support from local partners, including: Mid Sussex District Council; Sussex County Football Association; Football Foundation; Sport England; Active Sussex; Crawley Town Community Foundation; What is the goal? This is very disappointing, especially given some have gone on record saying they should be saved, and yet they voted against our proposal. The consultation was held between the 12th June and the 24th July 2015. Mid Sussex Local Plan and Policy DP19 of the Submission Draft District Plan 2014 - 2031.' 1.2.1 Aims and objectives . The saved Local Plan policies will continue to remain in place until they are implemented or until superseded by a subsequent neighbourhood plan or an appropriate planning document. We urge all residents and businesses to follow advice from Public Health England. period up to 2031 and will replace the majority of the Mid Sussex Local Plan adopted in 2004. To view the evidence base for the current Local Plan, the Horsham District Planning Framework, please visit the Planning Policy evidence base page. Mid Sussex District Council adopted the Mid Sussex District Plan 2014-2031 as a Development Plan Document at its meeting on 28th March 2018. These sections have been further sub-divided as necessary. Every Mid Sussex Conservative at West Sussex County Council’s Budget meeting voted against our fully costed plan to save children and family centres. Mid Sussex Local Plan Policies B1, B3 and H9 of the Local Plan. The hearing sessions have now closed, and the Council is awaiting the Inspector's Report. Coronavirus Community & Business Support page, 12th March 2018: District Plan Inspector's Report, February 2018: Land north of Clayton Mills, Hassocks, October 2017: Main Modifications Consultation, November 2015: Focused Amendments to the Pre-Submission Draft District Plan, June 2015: Pre-Submission Draft District Plan, Mid Sussex District Plan Sustainability Appraisal – Submission, Mid Sussex District Plan Sustainability Appraisal – Main Modifications, List of Policies superseded by District Plan policies, Sustainability Appraisal – Post-Adoption Statement, Main Modifications - Consultation Responses Summary Report, Schedule of Main Modifications to the District Plan, Main Modifications - Sustainability Appraisal Report (September 2017), Main Modifications - Habitats Regulations Assessment (September 2017), Impact of Mid Sussex District Council Plan Traffic at Ashdown Forest - Air Quality Assessment, Submission Sustainability Appraisal - Main Report (August 2016), EP23a - Strategic Site Selection Paper update (September 2017), MSDC22 - Consideration of Options to Strengthen the Five Year Supply, MSDC23 - Northern West Sussex HMA - Agreed Changes to DP5: Housing, MSDC24 - Implications of Main Modifications on Ashdown Forest on the Strategic and Local Road Network, Mid Sussex District Plan - Pre-Submission (June 2015), Mid Sussex District Plan - Focused Amendments to the Pre-Submission District Plan (November 2015), Mid Sussex District Plan - Schedule of further modifications (August 2016), Mid Sussex District Plan - Version incorporating the Pre-Submission Plan with the Focused Amendments and Further Modifications (August 2016), Submission Sustainability Appraisal - Non-Technical Summary (August 2016), Submission Habitats Regulations Assessment, Statement of Consultation - Regulation 20 (July 2016), District Plan - Schedule of Modifications (November 2015), Focused Amendments Sustainability Appraisal - Main Report (November 2015), Focused Amendments Sustainability Appraisal Non-Technical Summary (November 2015), Focused Amendments Habitats Regulations Assessment (November 2015), Community Involvement Plan (November 2015), Statement of Representations Procedure (November 2015), Pre-Submission Sustainability Appraisal - Main Report (June 2015), Pre-Submission Sustainability Appraisal - Non Technical Summary (June 2015), Pre-Submission Habitats Regulations Assessment (June 2015), Statement of Consultation - Regulation 18 (June 2015), Notice of Publication and Statement of Representations Procedure (June 2015), Equality Impact Assessment (February 2015), Pre-Submission District Plan - Consultation Summary Reports, Find out more about Mid Sussex District Council news by visiting our Newsroom. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter for all the latest Council news. It broadly supports the HBF’s position: that Crawley is the primary responsibility and that the Mid Sussex Local Plan, following the example set by Horsham Council, should provide for its share of the unmet need of Crawley The District Plan sets out the Local Plan 2004 policies that have been saved. Mid Sussex District Local Plan Main Modifications consultation response I am writing in response to the consultation on the Main Modification to the Mid Sussex District Local Plan. Full copies of the representations can be viewed at the District Council offices. The Economic Development Strategy is centred on meeting four strategic objectives which outline the aims of Mid Sussex District Council to support sustainable economic growth and the corporate priorities of the Council. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter for all the latest Council news. Check out how you can view proposed building plans or developments and object or comment on them through the local council The full evidence base for the District Plan can be found on the Examination Library page. Mid Sussex District Council have developed their District Plan in line with the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the Localism Act.. 1. The Pre-Submission Draft District Plan was considered by the Scrutiny Committee for Planning and Economic Development on the 3rd March 2015, and Council on the 18th March 2015. Mid Sussex local plan declared sound by inspector! The Local Plan policies that will continue to apply are listed in Appendix B. Strategic Gap in the Mid Sussex Local Plan (MSLP). The Main Modifications are changes, additions or deletions required to make the plan ‘sound’ and have been prepared in liaison with the Planning Inspector during the course of the Examination. APPLICATION DETAILS The scheme would provide the erection of 35 retirement living apartments for older The evidence base can be viewed on the Evidence & Supporting Documents page. Mid Sussex is a local government district in the English non-metropolitan county of West Sussex, within the historic county of Sussex. Duty to Cooperate Horsham District Council, Mid Sussex District Council and Crawley Borough Council have signed a joint Statement of Common Ground. Duty to Cooperate Horsham District Council, Mid Sussex District Council and Crawley Borough Council have signed a joint Statement of Common Ground. 1.3 Mid Sussex is fully covered by Town and Parish Councils, and a particular feature of the Plan is the The Mid Sussex Local Plan was adopted on May 27th 2004 and is part of the development plan for Mid Sussex. emerging Future Mole Valley (Local Plan 2020-2037) adopted Oct … Waste and Recycling Rates for Mid Sussex District Council 2017-18 Waste Recycling Performance. Support a robust and resilient Mid Sussex economy through direct action To view the evidence base for the current Local Plan, the Horsham District Planning Framework, please visit the Planning Policy evidence base page. It contains the towns of East Grinstead , Haywards Heath and Burgess Hill . Coronavirus (Covid-19). Mid Sussex District Plan The District Plan was adopted at Full Council on 28th March 2018. The main changes to the Pre-Submission Draft District Plan that are proposed in the Focused Amendments are: The Focused Amendments to the Pre-Submission Draft District Plan were considered by the Scrutiny Committee for Planning And Economic Development on the 10th November 2015. Following consultation on the draft District Plan between November 2014 and January 2015, the District Plan was updated to take comments into account. Coronavirus (Covid-19). Every representation has been sent, in full, to the Inspector for his consideration. Mid Sussex is a local government district in the English non-metropolitan county of West Sussex , within the historic county of Sussex. The Plan sets out a vision for the future of the area and planning policies which will be used to determine planning application locally. It replaces the Mid Sussex Local Plan 2004 (other than saved Local Plan policies). Permission is therefore sought to vary the above condition to allow for a Mole Valley District Council. Albourne - … Mid Sussex District Council have developed their District Plan in line with the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the Localism Act.. It covers the period to 2031 and includes the strategy, proposed level of development and a number of planning policies. Whilst the overall strategy of the Plan has not changed from the 2013 District Plan, residents and other interested parties are being given an opportunity to 1.3 Mid Sussex is fully covered by Town and Parish Councils, and a particular feature of the Plan is the desire of the District Council to involve Town and Parish Councils in its preparation and delivery. The Local Plan policies that will continue to apply are listed in Appendix B. The development plan in this part of the Mid Sussex comprises of the Lindfield and Lindfield Rural Neighbourhood Plan (2016) and Mid Sussex District Plan (2018). Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) submitted their Local Plan with a housing requirement of 800 dwellings per annum (dpa), 2014-2031, based on an OAHN of 754 dpa, and an additional 46 dpa to meet unmet need from surrounding authorities. The Mid Sussex District Plan 2014-2031 was submitted to Government on the 17th August 2016. Report, the Act transposed local flood risk leadership into UK law. Having considered representations received on the Main Modifications, the Inspector, Jonathan Bore, held a short hearing on the issues relating to the new site allocation on land north of Clayton Mills, Hassocks on Monday 5th February. All of the documents submitted to Government can be found on the Examination Library page which will be updated as the examination progresses. This was identified to maintain a clear visual break between Crawley and Pease Pottage to prevent coalescence and to retain their separate identity and amenity. For ease of access, the document has been broken down into sections - Text, Proposals Maps and Village Boundary Maps. The policies contained therein carry full weight as part of the Development Plan for planning decisions within the Burgess Hill Neighbourhood Plan area. published Nov 2020 Babergh & Mid Suffolk Joint Local Plan. The Mid Sussex Local Plan was adopted on May 27th 2004 and is part of the development plan for Mid Sussex. At these hearings the Inspector recommended that the Plan could proceed to adoption subject to a number of modifications. All documents relating to the District Plan examination can be found within the Examination Library page. Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) submitted their Local Plan with a housing requirement … This is the Local Football Facility Plan (LFFP) for Mid Sussex. As part of this fundamental change in flood risk management responsibilities, West Sussex County Council have become a Lead Local Flood Authority and are required to produce a strategy to define how local … The District Plan is the main planning document used by the Council when considering planning applications. Albourne - Main Map. However, some policies in the Mid Sussex Local Plan 2004 have been saved on adoption of the District Plan. This is very disappointing, especially given some have gone on record saying they should be saved, and yet they voted against our proposal. majority of the Mid Sussex Local Plan adopted in 2004. The Planning Statement submitted with this application states that due to a current lack of funding, it is not possible to provide all 44 parking spaces as previously approved. A Haywards Heath perspective on news, sport, what's on, lifestyle and more, from your local paper the Mid Sussex Times. Following consultation on the Pre-Submission Draft District Plan between June and July 2015 and after careful consideration, the Council is proposing to make amendments to the Plan to ensure it meets the needs of Mid Sussex residents and businesses, while protecting the unique character and diversity of the towns and villages. The main watercourses of significance within the Parish are the River Ouse and River Adur. District Plan The Mid Sussex District Plan 2014 - 2031 Consultation Draft was issued on 21st November 2014 for an 8 week consultation period. Neighbourhood Plans. Every Mid Sussex Conservative at West Sussex County Council’s Budget meeting voted against our fully costed plan to save children and family centres. the emerging Mid Sussex District Plan. The fact that the site was allocated for development is reflected in the made neighbourhood plan, where the proposals map The Pre-Submission Draft District Plan documents can be downloaded below: A Summary Report containing summaries of the responses made during the Pre-Submission consultation has been published. Question: What is the population of Mid Sussex? Milton Keynes Council. 152 (44.19%) of local authorities perform worse than Mid Sussex District Council. Saved policies from the Mid Sussex Local Plan. Mid Sussex District Council adopted the Mid Sussex District Plan 2014-2031 as a Development Plan Document at its meeting on 28th March 2018. Please see our Consultation & Monitoring page for further associated documentation. Following a hearing session in November, the Inspector appointed to carry out the examination of the plan wrote (10-page / 120KB PDF) to the Council saying that, because the Council had not given "satisfactory consideration to meeting the unmet development needs of nearby local planning authorities, the duty to co-operate had not been met.. A Planning Inspector has held a number of Examination Hearings, the most recent being in July 2017. The Inspector concludes that with the recommended Main Modifications set out in the Appendix, the Mid Sussex District Plan satisfies the requirements of Section 20(5) of the 2004 Act and meets the criteria for soundness in the National Planning Policy Framework. Find out more about Mid Sussex District Council news by visiting our Newsroom. MSDC has been preparing a new District Plan 2031, which, on adoption, will replace the 2004 Plan as the development plan for Mid Sussex. The application must be determined in accordance with the development plan unless material planning considerations indicate otherwise. The district was created on 1 April 1974 from parts of East Sussex: the urban districts of Cuckfield, Burgess Hill, and East Grinstead and nearly all of Cuckfield Rural, the far north-west of which was … The Local Plan policies that will continue to apply are listed in Appendix B. Find all the latest information and advice on our dedicated Coronavirus Community & Business Support page and recent information about Grants & Funding here. An increase in the housing provision figure from 650 to 800 new homes per year, which will enable the Council to make a contribution to meeting the housing needs of neighbouring authorities; The identification of a new strategic site for 600 homes at Pease Pottage; The inclusion of a housing density policy to maximise the yield from allocated sites and those in the built-up areas, thereby reducing the unnecessary loss of open countryside; The reversion to the previous affordable housing and developer contribution policies following the High Court’s quashing of the Government’s guidance on these matters; and. Council approved the Focused Amendments to the Pre-Submission Draft District Plan for consultation on the 11th November 2015. Details regarding the Hearings and documents submitted during the hearings can be found on the District Plan Examination page. adopted Mar 2019 Plan:MK. Tel: 01444-477053Email: The District Plan Examination page contains information and documents relating to the Mid Sussex District Plan examination including Inspector's correspondence, schedule of hearings, Inspector's questions and matters for hearings, participants statements and agendas. I wish to object to proposal DP9b: Strategic Allocation to the north of Clayton Mills, Hassocks, Modification Reference MM11, about which I have serious concerns. Mid Sussex District Local Plan Main Modifications consultation response I am writing in response to the consultation on the Main Modification to the Mid Sussex District Local Plan. Work has begun on a new Joint Local Plan document for Babergh and Mid Suffolk districts, which will replace the 2006 Local Plan. Letters in brackets denote the policy number prefixes within each chapter. Answer: Mid Sussex, United Kingdom (Administrative unit: England) - last known population is ≈ 144 400 (year 2014).This was 0.224% of total United Kingdom population.If population growth rate would be same as in period 2011-2014 (+0.99%/year), Mid Sussex population in 2021 would be: 154 645*. The consultation documents can be downloaded below: Other relevant documents for this consultation are as follows. Mid Sussex District Council (Response to ID1: 29 September 2016: MSDC 2: Housing Matters Statement (Response to ID3) 8 November 2016: MSDC 3 : Note to the Mid Sussex District Plan Examination from MSDC: 8 December 2016: MSDC 4 : Affordability, Calculating Affordable Housing Requirements and Unmet Needs: 6 January 2017: MSDC 5 The evidence base for the District Plan can be found on the District Plan Examination Library page. Mid Sussex District Plan 2014 – 2031; Mid Sussex District Plan Sustainability Appraisal – Submission (August 2016) Small Scale Housing Development Plan Document. I wish to object to proposal DP9b: Strategic Allocation to the north of Clayton Mills, Hassocks, Modification Reference MM11, about which I have serious concerns. To receive news and updates on the District Plan, Site Allocation document, Neighbourhood Plans and other policy documents being prepared please sign up to our email alerts. Population. A consortium of developers has been formed to provide a single voice at the Mid Sussex Local Plan examination. In terms of planning policy the site falls within the built up area as defined by the Mid Sussex Local Plan and the East Grinstead Neighbourhood Plan. However, some policies in the Mid Sussex Local Plan 2004 have been saved on adoption of the District Plan. It contains the towns of East Grinstead, Haywards Heath and Burgess Hill. Mid Sussex District Council formally 'made' the Burgess Hill Neighbourhood Plan part of the Local Development Plan for the Neighbourhood Plan area of Burgess Hill as of 27 January 2016. the village. 1a. . Relevant policies: DP12 Protection and enhancement of the countryside DP15 New homes in the countryside DP18 Setting of the South Downs National Park DP21 Transport DP26 … The consultation will run from 9 th February 2021 until 24 th March 2021. Once adopted, the policies will apply to the area within Mid Sussex District that falls within the park area. Until the South Downs Local Plan is adopted, the policies in the Mid Sussex Local Plan 2004 will continue to apply to development proposals in the part of Mid Sussex District that … Please read the whole of this article, which you will find very interesting and some similarities to our own Barnsley Local Plan. The recent (20 th February) Interim Conclusions of the Planning Inspector tasked with examining the Mid Sussex District Local Plan have highlighted the importance of robust market signals and employment evidence when determining the Objective Assessment of Overall Housing Need (OAHN).. The aim of the West Sussex Local Outbreak Control Plan is to protect the public’s health by: • Preventing and containing the transmission spread of COVID-19 • Ensuring a timely, effective, and coordinated approach is taken in the event of an outbreak in West Sussex The proposals for the Mid Sussex District within the Plan are progressing through the Local Development Framework (LDF) for Mid Sussex (via the local planning authority; Mid Sussex District Council). 2.12. Question: What is the population of Mid Sussex? Work has also been completed on housing need and supply, and this is included within the Pre-Submission Draft District Plan. Documents submitted to the Examination hearing sessions (including correspondence between the Council and Inspector) can be found on the District Plan Examination page. Streams drain north to the The Council carried out a public consultation on the Main Modifications that are proposed. The Focused Amendments to the Pre-Submission Draft District Plan documents can be downloaded below: A Summary Report containing summaries of the responses made during the Focused Amendments consultation has been published. Summaries of the representations made during the consultation period can be viewed in the Main Modifications - Consultation Responses Summary Report. Mid Sussex District Council is publishing the submitted Copthorne Neighbourhood Plan. Oddly, the adopted Mid Sussex Local Plan chooses to exclude the substantial brickworks from the village envelope/boundary although its policies for the brickworks (WHS2 and WHS3) are clear in their intention to encourage the retention of employment and therefore built development on the site. The Main Modifications consultation was held between 2nd October and 13th November 2017. The Mid Sussex District Plan was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate in August 2016. 1.3 Mid Sussex is fully covered by Town and Parish Councils, and a particular feature of the Plan is the desire of the District Council to involve Town and Parish Councils in its preparation and delivery. Council approved the District Plan for pre-submission public consultation. The following policies have NOT been saved and no longer form part of the Mid Sussex Local Plan: More information can be found in the Mid Sussex Local Plan 2004 Saved Policies Application Decision Letter (GOSE). Coronavirus Community & Business Support page, Mid Sussex Local Plan 2004 - saved policies, Appendix A - Explanatory note on housing land supply, Saved Policies Application Decision Letter (GOSE), Find out more about Mid Sussex District Council news by visiting our Newsroom, C7 - Best and Most Versatile Agricultural Land: GOSE advised that this policy exceeds the provisions of PPG7 paragraph 28, BH4 - 15 units, off Cants Lane, Burgess Hill: Implemented, EG4 - Former Gas Works, Moat Road, East Grinstead: Implemented, EG6 - Mixed Use including 12 flats, Railway Approach Car Park, East Grinstead: Implemented, EG12 - Mixed Use, Railway Approach Car Park, East Grinstead: Implemented, EG16 - Leisure facilities at Imberhorne School, East Grinstead: Implemented, EG24 - Deletion of Metropolitan Green Belt: Process Underway, HH5 - Phasing of Haywards Heath Strategic Development up to 2006: Out of Date, BA1 - 16 Units, Deanland Nursery, Balcombe: Implemented, CO1 - Green Belt, Copthorne: Process Underway, CU4 - Cycleway between Haywards Heath and Cuckfield: Implemented, HU3 - Land to the rear of 135/137 High Street, Hurstpierpoint: Implemented, KH8 - Burial Ground Extension, Keymer: Implemented, PP2 - Disused Depot Site, Old Brighton Road, Pease Pottage: Implemented. This has now been replaced by the Mid Sussex District Plan. 191 (55.52%) of local authorities perform better than Mid Sussex District Council. 9. The adopted Local Plan is published below. The site was allocated for residential development as part of the Mid Sussex Local Plan, policy TH1 referred, and this formed the policy context in the determination of the original outline planning application. Maps. Home | Mid Sussex Times News you can trust since 1881 Mid Sussex Local Plan Policies B1, B3 and H9 of the Local Plan. On publication of this LDS in June 2019, the Development Plan for Mid Sussex District Council will comprise of the following documents: Mid Sussex District Plan 2014 – 2031 (March 2018) Saved policies of the Mid Sussex Local Plan (May 2004)2 Mid Sussex Small Scale Housing Allocations DPD (April 2008) It replaces the Mid Sussex Local Plan 2004 (other than saved Local Plan policies). Purpose of the Local Outbreak Control Plan . District Plan The Mid Sussex District Plan 2014 - 2031 Consultation Draft was issued on 21st November 2014 for an 8 week consultation period. The adopted Mid Sussex Developer Infrastructure and Contributions SPD (2006) relates to policies in the adopted Mid Sussex Local Plan 2004. This has now been replaced by the Mid Sussex District Plan. The consultation started on the 19th November 2015 and closed on the 15th January 2016. Population. For the part of Mid Sussex District that is within the South Downs National Park, the South Downs Local Plan is the development plan (adopted July 2019). Updates to reflect new Government policy on self-build homes, energy efficiency, housing and accessibility standards, and Gypsies & Travellers. Mid Sussex District Plan 2014 – 2031 (March 2018) Saved policies of the Mid Sussex Local Plan (May 2004)2 Mid Sussex Small Scale Housing Allocations DPD (April 2008) West Sussex Joint Minerals Local Plan (2018) West Sussex Waste Local Plan (2014) In addition, there are 16 ‘made’ (adopted) Neighbourhood Plans: In summary, the LFFP for Mid Sussex identifies opportunities to accurately target investment in football facilities across the local area. These are to: i. These are set out in the Schedule of Main Modifications. Mid Sussex District Plan 2014-2031. Answer: Mid Sussex, United Kingdom (Administrative unit: England) - last known population is ≈ 144 400 (year 2014).This was 0.224% of total United Kingdom population.If population growth rate would be same as in period 2011-2014 (+0.99%/year), Mid Sussex population in 2021 would be: 154 645*. Focused Amendments to the Pre-Submission Draft District Plan - Summary of Representations. Council will be asked to consider adopting the District Plan at its meeting on 28th March 2018. A number of studies were used during the preparation of the District Plan to provide evidence and justification for the strategy and policies within the plan. adopted Mar 2018 Mid Sussex District Plan. majority of the Mid Sussex Local Plan adopted in 2004. development plan and as the development is not necessary for the purposes of agriculture and lies within an unsustainable location where occupants would be reliant on the use of a private car to gain access to local services, it is considered to conflict with policies DP6, DP12 and DP15 of the Mid Sussex District Plan… Find all the latest information and advice on our dedicated Coronavirus Community & Business Support page and recent information about Grants & Funding here. Mid Sussex District Council. Find out more about Mid Sussex District Council news by visiting our Newsroom.
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