:-) She’s a cashier, she’s stuck behind her cash register so it’s not like you have to chase her down; whenever you’re ready, you know exactly where to find her. Go again the next day. Not trying to bad mouth your suggestions, but what if she has a boyfriend? You’ll always have the story if it works out. Asking a guy out as a cashier? The other times the men either asked on the spot or came back a few minutes later to ask and I was okay with that. That's why most of the guys who hit on you are jerks. Then you might see her online on Fb or she could SMS you. Forget the rose, then, but don’t forget your manners. It’s running through the end of this month. All @Syger has to do is make his move and you gave him some good advice. How do I ask cute cashier girl out or know if she is avaliable ? Oh, and don’t forget to ask her out lying on your back while sliding down the checkout tram. Smile, be upbeat and make direct eye contact with her when you see her. You just take @py_sue ‘s advice and you should be fine. You have to decide when or if or whether or not to call him. If yes then go a few times a week for a few weeks and only go to her station. Art Museum? If a guy takes the time to figure out where you’re going to be and makes sure he accidentally on purpose bumps into you, that’s golden. Buy tons of things. She has to help you, whether she’s comfortable with it or not. This will probably be moderated but my wife was quite happy about me being able to run to the store and buy her feminine products without putting up a fuss. Go again the next day. Gaze forward 3. Asking a guy out is not so much about the answer that he gives you, but more about how you are going to feel, given that answer. As she checks each item, ask to cancel it and return it. Making small talk is much better than “Hey, here’s a rose, now let me stalk you.” That’s how it comes off to some people. You’re a grown adult now so it’s acceptable for you to approach a stranger directly and calmly to ask if she’d like to go out on a date. The confusion is what makes it work, without it the cashier would easily be … One day, near Christmas, he came in and I wasn’t working that day. Getting a rose from a guy you don’t know in a Wal-mart is a bit smarmy. Ooooooo… save the slide show and the boy toys for a later date. Giving the girl a rose? Then if she says yes, ask for her phone number. I’m staying for the cheap community one :B. Approach the cashier in her line with some items you want to buy. I’m just paranoid since I don’t know how open people are to others approaching them out of nowhere and being like LET’S BE FRIENDS LOL. I asked a coworker out and she said yes with a smile then I lost her number by accident she won't give it to me again why? See how she deals with it. #10 She tells you. I have been gathering up the courage to ask her out, however i was wondering if i should ask for her number or give her mine. When he says "Have a nice day" I always look him strait in the eyes and say "you too". Come up to her drunk, and ask her out on the date. If these conversations go well and you build up a rapport, proceed forward. You don’t have to keep flirting with me to test the waters. I kinda think he might be interested but he NEVER says anything out of the ordinary to me. Just like waitresses, cashiers MUST serve the public with a cheery demeanor, which makes people suspect that they’re available and interested because that’s their job, but it could very well be only her work mask. I agree with @ducky_dnl. Use These 10 Questions To Ask A Guy To Know If He Loves You And Is Committed To You For The Long-term. Be nice and casual about it, and if she says no, take her at her word. Look for clues such as the title of the book he’s thumbing through, a remark about a TV show he watched last night, … Judge their actions! After you pay for it. Just use a single cashier's check over $10,000 if possible. (3) Try, but don't press, to get her number--if this doesn't work for whatever reason (she wants to remain in control, most likely) write down your number and give it to her. Wanna go? He Suddenly Becomes Friends With Your Close Friends. :| I would just pretend she’s somebody you like that you might meet anywhere and operate accordingly. A rose is just over-doing it. I never noticed him till my boss said, “He comes in every day and when you aren’t working he comes in, looks for you and leaves if you aren’t here.” I thought it was cute. I just thought a rose would garner you some extra points and really cheer her up. But “Hey, wanna hang?” is not? _. also; I think it’s cute how everyone assumes I just want to make her mine. Grr!”. This method takes some pressure off of you, especially if you don’t know him very well. You don’t even have to pretend that. Don’t put yourself out for a hard-working girl, okay? He said “sure” and I got his number. No comments Remember: she’s a captive audience. Okay, just be yourself, like you are explaining this to me now. tl;dr: There’s a cute cashier I’d like to meet, how can I do this without being creepy or make a fool of myself. I was really flattered that he remembered. pretty sure you're not supposed to be doing that while you're working though. (2) If she responds positively, ask her out for a low-pressure situation (not dinner and dancing) but coffee, drinks, lunch. I personally find a guy who’s a little nervous around me very cute and more attractive. Before you go and put yourself out on a limb, think about if you actually … 1. Keep it light. Is it a superWalMart with the groceries too? It is a sweet gesture, but I just feel that today and in such an environment it would go misunderstood, perhaps if I knew her a little bit beforehand it would be more acceptable. You could ask her if it's ok with her to call her offline sometime. Why wait for him to ask you out? Then the rose and card thing will just make everything awkward. Ask his opinion about a possible common interest. It's okay to ask the staff out. Creepy is in the guy who does the presenting not the gesture. Or you have to figure out how to just “happen” to run into him. I'm the one you need. When you want to get to know someone better it can be hard to get past the normal everyday questions that everyone asks. The only opinion from guys was selected the Most Helpful Opinion, but you can still contribute by sharing an opinion! @lillycoyote I gotta say that you present a very true fact about her. Meaning she gives it to you without you prompting her first, though often if she gives it to you after you ask … @Syger and @ducky_dnl….....One rose and a note is creepy? I was hoping you might consider joining me at the Raphael display at the Art Museum. 1) Just straight out say yes, no mind games. Ask him how his day is going. I was literally shaking with fear and excitment when I left the store. Here's the perfect list of interesting questions to ask a guy, whether it's a first date or a text. Slump your shoulders 4. If you come off as creepy, she won’t go out with you (she has a lot of creeps to choose from if that’s what she wants) and then you’ll become a story in the cashier office or break room.
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