Supported Living UK. Our support workers empower the people we support to make their own choices about how they live, using our innovative Fusion model of support to keep people at the centre of everything we do. Supported Living. At the heart of our supported living for learning disabilities is a focus on person-centered support, taking the individual goals, personalities and unique choices or ambitions in life to devise a carefully tailored plan in line with our personal behaviour support model. Supported Living model was a model of community living which was promoted in response to the resettlement programme. Supporting people with learning disabilities or autism to live as tenants in their own home is the biggest area of our work. Supported living – learning disability; Supported living – mental health; Apply for accommodation. However, it is estimated, based on figures from GP Registers that in Northern Ireland less than 1% of the adult population have a learning disability. the retirement of learning disability specialised staff, cost pressures of supported living, social services being asked to focus on other areas and the pro rata spend on learning disability services being high proportionally per person, resulting in cuts to non-statutory services, e.g., day … The Radio 4 programme, File on 4 on 12 th February 2019 looked at supported living and what the increases in unexplained deaths and serious injuries mean for those living in supported living environments. There is, to date, no comprehensive database for the number of people with a learning disability in NI. Citation: Moulster G et al (2019) A flexible model to support person-centred learning disability nursing. Birmingham City Council's directories organised by category. This involves providing registered domiciliary care and housing related support, usually on a 24/7 basis. The Supported Living Framework is the new contract to be procured and operated by Essex County Council for all new referrals of adults into supported living … Our supported living services provide support for people with Autism, Mental Health Needs, Learning Disabilities and Acquired Brain Injuries. About Supported Living. Supported Living UK believe passionately in providing specialist community care to adults with a learning disability. Supported housing is a specialist housing provision for people with a range of needs, including people with a learning disability. The Learning Disabilities Supported Living Spot Purchase Framework has been awarded for a term of four (4) years commencing on the 21 January 2016. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 7, 2, 165-193; Choate PW and Engstrom S (2014) The ‘good enough’ parent: implications for child protection. Our supported living services provide innovative and person-centred support enabling people with autism, learning disabilities, mental health illnesses and challenging behaviours to live as independently as possible within their own homes and in the local community. part-time care-workers) in residential care and supported living services. It also found that staff were often confused Blog by Jayne Knight, Learning Disability England member. Our supported living schemes are designed for people with learning disabilities , autism , brain injuries or … Supported Living service for adults – male and female; 6 self-contained 1 bedroom flats; Our supported living service provides a positive, safe environment to support individuals with learning disabilities and/or autism, with additional complex needs, including challenging behaviour or Prader-Willi Syndrome. Statistics suggest that the around 1.5m people have a learning disability. Each person is provided a person-centred support plan to ensure the right level of support is being provided at all times. Learning Disability Services, Supported Living and a specification for Housing Related Support was published to information to tendegive rs about the quality and service delivery standards the Council requires. For further information on Learning Disabilities and Supported Living services in Cardiff please refer to the Cardiff Council Learning Disability Commissioning Strategy 2012-2017. Supported living offers an alternative to residential care and empowers you to choose the right amount of support – how and when you need it – so you can lead an enriching and fulfilling life. 1.1.2 This Commissioning Plan relates to the provision of Learning Disability Services for Adults - Supported Living and Personal Care in the Community. Health and social care needs of people with learning disabilities. We specialise in caring for people with learning disabilities, challenging behaviour and communication difficulties. Our specialist Supported Living and Outreach service in Cornwall, provides support for people with Learning Disabilities, Autism, Mental Health needs and Acquired Brain Injuries. A learning disability is when an individual has a reduced ability to understand information. Service model for commissioners of health and social care services October 2015 Easy ... Support for families or carers who support someone with a learning disability and/or autism. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 43, 66-74; Booth T and Booth W (2003) Self-advocacy and supported learning for mothers with learning difficulties. With Hft supported living, we support people with learning disabilities to live however and wherever they choose, often helping them move from residential care or family homes into their own place or a house shared with friends. This article describes the development of a flexible model of practice for learning disability nursing – the Moulster and Griffiths model – which is person centred, evidence based, outcome focused and reflective. How to apply – supported living; How to apply – general housing; Contact a scheme; Care and support. A career at … Supported Living. Even more fundamentally, this proposal challenges the rights-based approach for people with learning disabilities that started with the 2001 Valuing People policy. The framework is divided into four lots: Lot 1 Low Support, Lot 2 Medium Support, Lot 3 High Support, and Lot 4 Complex Support and Care. These included a range of different organisations across England. Child Care in practice, 20, 4, 368-382 The contract will follow a framework model. The number of people supported in one location is always small. Supported living is a more flexible option for people who want to retain their independence but want support when they need it in properties that meet their individual needs. We provide comprehensive support and care to 16 plus young people (care leavers) and adults in Hampshire and surrounding areas. Individuals with a learning disability can also find it difficult to communicate and can affect their independence. Clacton-on-Sea, Essex. If my family is finding supporting ... small supported living homes. Learning disabilities. The research found that staff were keen to give the right support to people with learning disabilities. Many people take choosing where to live and who to live with for granted, yet it’s a fundamental part of feeling in control of your life. For adults with learning disabilities who need support and a place to live, the two most common forms of support are either residential care or housing with support (sometimes called ‘supported living’). We understand the importance of providing person-centred support which enables … To help achieve this, the Council is proposing some specific changes to the learning disability service that we would like your views on. Through supported living arrangements many individuals, even those with severe disabilities, are able to live in their own homes, control their lives, and become part of their communities. Background: Nearly £3 billion a year is spent by councils on supported living and residential care for adults with learning disabilities. with the Analyse, Plan, Deliver and Review Model developed by Oxford Brookes University which is also detailed at Appendix 1. In supported living… I have a choice about where I live and who I live with. CM supported living services is an independent organisation created by social and healthcare professionals with a passion for empowering, nurturing and supporting young people and adults. What is the new Supported Living Framework Contract - and what has changed? the independence of adults with learning disabilities and at the same time find efficiencies. In 2014 a review of one of the in-house supported living provisions delivered savings of £32k as a result of reductions in the hourly rate staffing costs. In Rochdale Borough there was a significant reliance on the supported living model of community support with a large number of people with learning disabilities beingrelocated into supported living group homes. As part of the procurement process, Cardiff Council would like to invite interested organisations to attend a bidder’s forum regarding this opportunity. Tender method statements were developedin line with the specifications and allocated weightings for the tender evaluation were applied. Anyone with a learning disability wanting to live in supported housing will normally have been assessed by their local social care department as … adults with learning disabilities, 85% of which were between the ages 18-64. People with a learning disability may move to a supported living scheme, a residential care home or shared lives scheme after an assessment from their local learning disability team to see if they are eligible for support, and to decide how best they could be supported. Care and support services; Customer care; Close; Jobs. Provides an experience in learning about the supported living model and how you can begin to live an everyday life in a home of your own. The Supported Living Policies are divided into 3 sections for ease of reference: 1. Contact your local learning disability team to find out more. We work with UK housing associations to provide properties that are built or adapted to … 1.2 Over the last two years, the Supported Living project has been working on providing a consistent approach to the way in which supported living provision is contracted, focusing on the outcomes for the people with learning disabilities through supported living provision in Oldham. Important Notice: Due to essential maintenance the City Council’s website, will be offline between 7am and 2pm on Saturday 13 March 2021. Providers of services for people with a Learning Disability and/or Autism must demonstrate that their service is in line with building the right support and the accompanying service model, W&P’s Policies will help you achieve that.
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