Nevertheless, if this issue could be taken as credit for becoming caliph, we should add here that whenever the Prophet was not in town, he would always appoint a substitute for himself f and would assign him the rein of government including praying with people at congregations; the names of such people are recorded in the biographies of the Prophet. Did they try to solve the problems of caliphate through discussion? The purpose behind this significant Islamic order is for the rational scholars to come together in a quiet atmosphere and discuss different affairs without prejudice. In this so-called “gathering” there were only three members of Muhajirs present and even these three had not informed the others, in order to keep them in the dark. The way these two groups reasoned shows that they only had superficial domination over people in mind and that they had ignored the Prophet's other roles and positions. © Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project 1995-2021. The Clear Quran, Dr. Mustafa Khattab. Omar sees Abu Bakr's priority in his wealth, his being close to the Prophet in the cave of Thur and that he prayed in the place of the Prophet. One of the earliest battles they helped him in was the Invasion of Buwat. The document for the narration which contains the words “and my Household”, The document of the narration with the expression “and my tradition”, The third document of the narration with the expression “my tradition”. Anyone, who invokes corruption and disregards the righteous shall be reproached, and if he continued to do so, shall be killed. The significant points of this gathering could be summed up in the following manner: 1. The Prophet presented the Shariat to the Ummah, explained Islamic principles and practical laws. In accordance with the Shiite narrations, Imam Ali (as) together with some members of Bani Hashim, attended Abu Bakr's presence and proved his capability for caliphate through his thorough knowledge of the Book, his pioneering in accepting Islam, his perseverance in the Holy wars, his eloquence in speech and his bravery. Mohsin Khan: And the first to embrace Islam of the Muhajirun (those who migrated from Makkah to Al-Madinah) and the Ansar (the citizens of Al-Madinah who helped and gave aid to the Muhajirun) and also those who followed them exactly (in Faith). Everyone knows the story of the Ansar (Helpers) and the Muhajirun (Emigrants). The first step he took was to eliminate prejudices of country and tribe from the Muhajirin (Emigrants: those who had migrated from Makkah) and Ansar (Residents of Madinah who helped the Muhajirin). Sahih International: Allah has already forgiven the Prophet and the Muhajireen and the An§ar who followed him in the hour of difficulty after the hearts of a party of them had almost inclined [to doubt], and then He forgave them. Enter valid first name and last name with at least one space. Which was revealed in Al-Madinah: Ibn `Abbas used to call this chapter, `Surah Bani An-Nadir.' Each of them tried their best so as not to be a burden on anyone. If these two items distinguished them from others, then Abu Bakr should not have misused Omar and Abu Obaydah in this political game because there were other dignitaries in Medina who had accepted the Prophet's religion much earlier than the two and were even closer to the Prophet than them. ... Allah hath turned in mercy to the Prophet, and to the Muhajirin and the Ansar who followed him in the hour of hardship. It is a fact that the great prophet was the leader of the people; but besides this, he possessed other virtues which did not exist in the candidates of either Mohajirs or Ansar. Al-Quran 9:100 Then, he added: I deserve the position of the Prophet after his death. 2. That is the supreme triumph. 3. And the first to lead the way, of the Muhajirin and the Ansar, and those who followed them in goodness – Allah is well pleased with them and they are well pleased with Him, and He hath made ready for them Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide for ever. Some of his opponents, when they thought conscientiously, confessed to his right of the caliphate and realized that by depriving him of such a right they have made a huge mistake. Allah is well-pleased with them as … There were ninety men – half of them from the Muhajirin and half of them from the Ansar – and the Holy Prophet (PBUH) declared brotherhood between them in charity and benevolence, and made them to inherit from each other in case of the death of any of them, in preference to their next-of-kin. The Muhajirin and Ansar are permanent members of the council so their election for any person as Imam will be acceptable to God and will satisfy Him”. Then why have you risen against me in this issue?5. (In a subsequent chapter we will study this issue). This is Ali’s (as) logic. The most appropriate ones to govern are the most aware in divine commands. (The foremost Muhajirin and Ansar) are those who conducted the pledge of Ar-Ridwan in the year of Hudaybiyyah. Could then such a gathering in which great personalities of Islam, such as Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) Salman, Abizar, Meqdad, Hozaifeh, Ibn Abi Kaab, Talhah, Zobayr and tens others, were not present, be called a counseling gathering? Theme in Quran (BETA) Importance Of Emigrants Category Seerah Sub Categories Mannerism of the Prophet Muhajirin BETA – Related Verses, Themes & Educational Resources 2-218 3 … How could the candidates then ignore the spiritual and mental issues and just focus on political and superficial supremacy, which are based on wealth and tribal power? IMPORTANT : All content hosted on is solely for non-commercial purposes and with the permission of original copyright holders. They gave up their wealth and themselves in this cause. Abu Bakr's election for caliphate in such a hurry was so baseless and opposable that Omar was heard later to have said: “Abu Bakr's election was nothing more than a coincidence; it was not done with deliberation. All interpreters admit the following verse was revealed unto the Prophet regarding this issue, ﴿وَ مِنَ النَّاسِ مَنْ يَشْرِي نَفْسَهُ ابْتِغاءَ مَرْضاتِ اللَّهِ وَ اللَّهُ رَؤُفٌ بِالْعِبادِ﴾, “And among men is he who sells himself to seek the pleasure of Allah; and Allah is Affectionate to the servants”.2. Could Abu-Bakr ever gain one of these peculiarities? He was grieved and upset. Chapter 23: How Can A Sinner Be Innocent? But as a term, the Ansar were the people from Medina who supported the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) and the Muhajirin (emigrants) when they migrated from Makka to Medina. A herd of 1,500 camels, accompanied by 100 riders under the leadership of Umayyah ibn Khalaf, a Quraysh. I am his most sincere follower. But was the Saqifah convention really without prejudice? Ali slept in the same place where the Prophet laid so as to misguide the Prophet’s assassins. It means ‘emigrant’. They also gave aid to Allah and His Messenger by fighting alongside the Muhajirun. Any other use of the hosted content, such as for financial gain, requires express approval from the copyright owners. If a person commits corrupt acts, he shall be punished; and if he does not repent he shall be killed. In order to prove his right to the caliphate, Imam Ali (as), with his thorough knowledge of the divine book (the Holy Quran) and the Prophet's traditions and due to his firm belief in treating the Ummah justly, uttered the following speech: “O Mohajirs, do not let the government which Muhammad (S) founded go out of his household and enter yours. The Messenger of Allah organized a meeting in which the leaders of all the families from Mecca and Medina came together. The Imam (as) replied: they reasoned on the genealogy tree but spoiled its fruits. meaning, `they are those who were truthful in statement and deed, and they are the chiefs of the Muhajirin.' They gave up their wealth and themselves in … They gave up their wealth and themselves in … If they reason that they are the leaves of the Prophet's tree, I am the fruit of that tree then why shouldn't I deserve caliphate3? When Abu Obaydah Jarrah became aware of Ali's refusal to ally with Abu Bakr, he told the Imam: Let Abu Bakr be the caliph. You will need to follow the instructions in that message in order to gain full access to the site. We must now analyze the logic behind its planning. That is because everybody knows your high virtues, strong faith, vast knowledge and your relation with the Prophet7. Books on Islam, Muslims, Prophet Muhammad(s), Ahlul Bayt. The Muhajirin and Al-Ansar are the Supporters of One Another . O people! (100) [al-Tawbah 9:100] After this and other scornful events, which we will not deal with now, they took Imam Ali (as) to the mosque to ally with the caliph. The Saqifah meeting ended in a disgusting manner, with Abu Bakr leaving as the victor. (And of the foremost to embrace Islam of the Muhajirin and the Ansar and also those who followed them exactly, Allah is well-pleased with them as they are well-pleased with Him. The two basic requirements for an Imam, and for the Prophet's successor are thorough knowledge of the principles and the practical laws of Islam and immunity against sins and wrongdoings. “O people! A month after the raid at al-Abwa, he personally led 200 men including Muhajirs and Ansars to Bawat, a place on the caravan route of the Quraysh merchants. Such are indeed the truthful.) English Translation of Al-Quran [09] Surah At-Taubah [The Repentance] Ayat 100. After the hearts of a party of them had almost swerved aside, then turned He unto them in mercy. I am the sturdiest of you in fighting the infidels, the most knowledgeable in the Book and the Prophet's tradition; the most learned in the principles of Islam and its practical laws; the most eloquent in speech and the bravest of you in times of conflict. Here Allah mentions the types of believers, dividing them into the Muhajirin, who left their homes and estates, emigrating to give support to Allah and His Messenger to establish His religion. The course of action was quite the opposite. Here Allah mentions the types of believers, dividing them into the Muhajirin, who left their homes and estates, emigrating to give support to Allah and His Messenger to establish His religion. I swear by God, we, the household of the Prophet, deserve it more. The believing sahabah have taught their believing wives among the Muhajirin and Ansar about the verse. Chapter 10:Let Us Be Fair In Our Judgments, Chapter 11: The Sad Story Of Saqifah Bani Saedah, The Prophet's worry about the regression of the Ommah, Chapter 12: The Logic Of The Ansar And The Muhajirin, Imam Ali (as) diagnoses the logic of the people of Saqifah, Imam Ali's rationale for his right on the caliphate, Chapter 13: Being The Leader Of A Congregation Is Not A Sign Of Greatness, Chapter 14: Governing Is Not Distinct From Spiritual Leadership, The position of explaining the Divine commandments and guiding people, It is not right to separate these two positions, Chapter 15: The Caliphs’ Ignorance of Divine Commands, Some samples of the ignorance of the first caliph, The level of knowledge of the second caliph, Chapter 16:The Prophet's Disciples Were Not Immune Against Sins, Chapter 17: The Narrative Reasons For The Leadership Of Imam Ali (as), 3. For this very reason, the Ansar boasted of the great number of their tribes and considered themselves most deserving. The most deserving individual for caliphate is the most capable one in the administration of the community and the most knowledgeable in divine commands”. Penduduk Madinah yang memeluk Islam pula dipanggil Ansar. Describe the relationship between the Muhajirin and the Ansar. Allaah, may He be glorified and exalted says (interpretation of the meaning): And the first to lead the way, of the Muhajirin and the Ansar, and those who followed them in goodness - Allah is well pleased with them and they are well pleased with Him, and He hath made ready for them Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide for ever. Allah the Exalted praised the Ansar next and emphasized their virtue, status and honor, preferring to give to others over themselves, even though they were in need, and not feeling enviousness. So far we have read the Saqifah event fairly carefully. 4. A month after the raid at al-Abwa that was ordered by Muhammad, he personally led two hundred men including Muhajirs and Ansars to Bawat, a place on the caravan route of the Quraysh merchants. What was the objective behind the Glorious Event of Ghadir? Prohibiting the recitation of the Quran, The historical event of Ghadir is an eternal event, Other Reasons for the eternity of the Ghadir Event. (The foremost Muhajirin and Ansar) are those who conducted the pledge of Ar-Ridwan in the year of Hudaybiyyah. The verse revealed to distinguish the believing women from the women of Jahiliyah and pagan women. The holy Quran orders the believers to unite and to solve their problems collectively. Another important issue is the people’s logic. Then Imam (as) asked: On what grounds did Quraysh consider themselves worthy of caliphate? The Muhajirin and Al-Ansar are the Supporters of One Another: Here Allah mentions the types of believers, dividing them into the Muhajirin, who left their homes and estates, emigrating to give support to Allah and His Messenger to establish His religion. The Prophet presented the Shariat to the Ummah, explained Islamic principles and practical laws. It is a fact that the great prophet was the leader of the people; but besides this, he possessed other virtues which did not exist in the candidates of either Mohajirs or Ansar. Muhammed ﷺ warned his followers that the Makkans were sending their finest sons before Badr, the first-ever skirmish. How could these candidates lay the foundations of a government which was based on knowledge, virtues, spiritual and mental perfection, and immunity against sins? According to Qur’an and Hadith, the early Muslims who migrated from Makka to Medina are called Muhajir. I was the first to believe in the Prophet's religion and to confirm it. The Quran had found a special place in his heart and day and night thereafter he would be heard repeating the glorious words of God so much so that he became known among the Prophet’s companions as the “friend of the Quran”. Be alert so that your desires do not cause you to fall out of the right path”.4. If you live longer, you will be the most deserving person for such a position. Imam Ali (as) described their logic in the following manner: a reporter entered the Imam's house and informed him of the event of Saqifah, telling him that the two groups of Ansar and Mohajirs had considered themselves worthy of the position of caliphate: Imam Ali (as) asked: why didn't you remind them of the Prophet's statement that we should remember the good ones with their good deeds and forgive their wrongdoings and that if they deserved caliphate they should recommend it to others. Would it not have been appropriate for these individuals to bring up the issues of knowledge and chastity instead of other imaginary criteria such as nationality or connection with others? Chapter 8: Is The Shiite View On Imamate Against The Principles Of Freedom? But there was no mention of these two conditions in the Saqifah council. The immigrants did not idle about thinking “The Ansar brothers gave us accommodation and subsistence.” This would contradict to studiousness arising from their belief.
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