The watersupply has been very low this summerand we have been very fortunate inthat no fires have occurred to menaceour city. Updated: March 1, 2021 @ 3:07 pm Mays, President.J. September 4, 1919; Pauls Valley Daily Democrat : Obituaries in Pauls Valley, Oklahoma (OK) - Find online obituaries in Pauls Valley Daily Democrat. pullDownSection. Published in Pauls Valley Daily Democrat on September 1, 2020 Lisa Shumate. A. Sparks, 11. Pauls Valley, OK (73075) Today. Cloudy. Browse classified ads and free ads. This is away to raise the money so that eachone can help a dime's worth and themany dimes will make the dollarsthat will do the work. The following text was automatically extracted from the image on this page using optical character recognition software: OFFICIAL PAPER OF GARVIN COUNTY.PAULS VALLEY DEMOCRATVOLUME XVI.PAULS VALLEY, GARVIN COUNTY, OKLAHOMA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1919.NO. Low 32F. Powered by SmugMug. This issue can be searched. The primary on the southside will be in Jackson building. Beaver, M. E. Brown, J. S. Bowcn,A. Edition of Pauls Valley Democrat Thursday, December 9, 1943 STATE AWARD Ora 7j CU CAD FC2 STS IS MUD OL Iwcrrs- Ct 0X1 T 21 3tf7 Sdut£ ICcrt O i Car' laust SLxuric Taiss iucS-021 5uun XI 02- … B. Thompson, Vice-Pres.C. The Pauls Valley Democrat is a tri-weekly newspaper published in Pauls Valley, Oklahoma, United States, covering Pauls Valley and other communities in Garvin County.It is owned by Community Newspaper Holdings Inc. . R. Roach, Ass't CashB. Box 778 100 West Paul Ave. Pauls Valley, OK 73075. D. B.Cone, Abe Daniels. J.1). Pauls Valley, Oklahoma. D. B. Cone, J. W. Dougherty,J. Andrews struck out 16, walked three and allowed just two earned runs to help the Cougars defeat the Panthers 6-3. They gained | session the report of Mrs. II. Grand Champions Grand Champion Steer- Cordie Chandler, Stratford 4-H. Grand Champion Heifer- Hunter Morton, Stratford FFA. Pauls Valley's best local coupon and savings site. He was raised in Garvin County and lived most of his life in the Pauls Valley area. Oliphant has been on the jobsince Monday and is dispatching bus-iness like a veteran, waiting on theCommissioners Court and keeping theconncases and Judge Frank Matthews ofHobart sitting in the civil cases.Court Clerk John H. Law and dep-among the I uties have been kept busy looking: af-I ter the two courts but have been do-ing It in first class manner and keep-ing their retards in tip-top shape.Sheriff C. F. Worley and deputieshave been ou the job waiting on thecourt and have been kept busy. The Pauls Valley Democrat is a tri-weekly newspaper published in Pauls Valley, Oklahoma, United States, covering Pauls Valley and other communities in Garvin County. The city is out offunds. Pauls Valley Democrat (Pauls Valley, Okla.), Vol. Hardware store by EdwardLong. Keep up to date with events, news, and developments with our It willbe advisable for pupils not to buyeach cutting of alfalfa, a peck of pea-I their books until they have conferredSCHOOL OPENS SEPT. 15th.nuts, a vine of peanuts, a peck of peasIrish potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions,a display of pumpkins, display ofwatermelons, apples, peaches, pears.In fact bring in any farm and garden-products yoiS have, and above allbring your livestock. Free and paid classified ads. Menu & … Winds S at 15 to 25 mph. C. McCord, superintendent of thelivestock department, and make spe-cial arrangements for getting yourteams in the judging and the parade.Ladies, don't forget the DomesticScience and the Domestic Arts de-partments. This position will notnear IWhitebeadbe so confining and give him an op- ' ]a8t week.Thursday morning of iportunity to get out in the open andi travel over the staie.| Mr. Lewis has made a splendidflc. Free and paid classified ads. C. MEETINGThe regular meeting of the IT, D.C., the first held since early summer,met at the home of Mrs. F. F.authorities they acknow- I Wright on Monday afternoon with ancs that *Pl°ndid attendance of the member*into the Duffield grocery a ;Hh,p Pr«««nt. 1915. Tommee Boggs, Pauls Valley Democrat Legislative Committee Chair Allie Burgin, Individual Education Committee Chair Mike Martin, Pauls Valley Public Schools Agricultural Committee Chair Alan Ware, … We have had several years expe-rience in lending money on real estate in this part ofOklahoma and will give you a service which will beappreciated.1utiful lot of furniture that will addmuch to the beautiful Interior of thenew court house and relieve a longfelt want in the many county offices.BOYS BREAK INTO STOREOn Thursdaynight of last weekthree boys were caught in the LongBros. As of the Thursday, March 4, Oklahoma State Department of Health advisory, there have been 426,641 cases of COVID-19 recorded in Oklahoma. Chance of rain 60%.. Tonight. Reviews (405) 238-6464 Website. Powered by SmugMug. Pauls Valley Daily Democrat Retail ads. This state-ment applies only to primary pupils.A number of pupils from differentplaces in the country are looking forplaces to board and room. Dean Codner was busy this week painting a brand new Panther logo on an outside wall in front of Pauls Valley High School. G. S.Mitchell, B. R. Polk, it. Winds S at 15 to 25 mph. All per-*sons who contemplate taking work Inthe high school this fall should regfs-Every arrangement possible Is be- j ter next made foix the Garvin County Free The hours lor registration will beair which opens next Thursday, and ^ to 12 A. M. and 1 to 3 P. M. Thosewho on account of employment orfor other reasons find tfruse hoursnot convenient should arrange ano-ther time. Will B. Teugue, W. B. Vaughn,C. Pauls Valley, OK (73075) Today. The presure during the daywh* n full use of water wa« going onhas been too low to have been of anyeffect should a serious fire have star-ted. newspaper, Residence Phone 428.Whiie it is true that no business can operatesuccessfully without a strong hanking connection, ina larger sense the bank Itself can look Tor greatsuccess only in the ratio that success comes to itspatrons.The success for which this institution bids isthat which comes to us as a uirect result of intelli-gent co-operation anil tangible assistance renderedto the friends and patrons of this bank.Let us co-operate with each other.The First National BankPAULS VALLEY, OKLA."Tin Oidctt Hank in Ciarvin County. Jimmie Jarman was born January 17, 1939 in Sulphur, Oklahoma to Charlie Vernon Jarman and Bobbie (Johnston) Jarman. L. Roady, M. C. QulnneM. Mr. Long just happened tocome to the store for some businessabout 10 o'clock at night and foundthe boys in the store. Pauls Valley Lisa Kay Shumate, 63, of Pauls Valley passed away August 10, 2020 in Pauls Valley. Pyle. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. | Williams Bros.If You Want to Sell Your Farmlist It With UsWE HAVE SOME BUYERS WHO WANTWASHITA BOTTOM FARMS.By having an office in Pauls Valley and Purcelleach, we are enabled to locate a large number ofbuyers and can make a quick sale at the best price.If you need a farm loan come to see us. Partly cloudy this evening, then becoming cloudy after midnight. These gentlemenhave been enjoying a splendid busi-ness since opening here less than ayear ago and so remarkable has beenthe growth of their business thatthey were compelled to seek largerquarters to accomodate their fastgrowing business.IVOVSE Ft RN IT! W. Low, Cashier.J. 11. 1 Publication: Pauls Valley Democrat i Location: Pauls Valley, Oklahoma Issue Date: Wednesday, April 22, 1959 Published in Pauls Valley Daily Democrat on February 11, 2021 Jimmie Jarman. 26, Ed. ( PORTER BROTHERSI!hHI2nd Door W. Post Office.PAULS VALLEY.PURCELL.WHO'SYour FarmLoan Man?See Walter L. Hart for sudden service, a cheap rateand liberal amounts. The membersof the association do earnestly askthe cooperation of the citizens ofPauls Valley and community in thisundertaking.FOR SALEChevrolet Touring Car, 1918 model,self starter, new tires. pullDownDate. Mr. Scott is wellknown here and has scores of friendswho extend congratulations upon hisgood fortunes and wish for the youngcouple a long and happy wedded life.LAND FOR SALE110 acres of good alfalfa land, 40acres now in alfalla, balance in cul-tivation; good improvements. "Capital ami Surplus - . 91 persone ne parlano. ( Welcome to the official Facebook page of the Pauls Valley Democrat, Pauls Valley, Oklahoma. L. HENSON, Route 3,26-tf. K. Tllling-haust. Pauls Valley Public Schools Administration Office PO Box 780 301 N. Chickasaw (PO Box 780) Pauls Valley, OK 73075 Phone: 405-238-6453 Fax: 405-238-9178 Pauls Valley Democrat contains 52 items from 1915 .Select a month or day from the calendars below to view search results for that time period. Cloudy. 10—Ada junior pitcher Brodie Andrews had his good stuff Monday against Pauls Valley in a District 4A-3 matchup at Cougar Field. pullDownDate. 11. 26, Ed. W. K.Bray, R. K. Barton, A. P. Bar tee, R.C. Higher wind gusts possible.. Tonight. Designed using Nevark. The Oklahoma State Department of Health reported 1,552 new COVID-19 cases and six additional deaths on Tuesday including a Lindsay man in the 65 or … PV's hospital gets new owner Note: Results may vary based on the legibility of text within the document. Browse classified ads and free ads. (Experimental). Note: Edits made to this print … N winds at 10 to 20 mph, decreasing to less than 5 mph.. Tonight. High 71F. Welcome to The Pauls Valley National Bank. Pauls Valley Democrat A variety of officials gathered together Thursday for a lot of signatures needed to complete the sale of Pauls Valley's former hospital to a private company. These controls are experimental and have not yet been optimized for user experience. It is owned by Community Newspaper Holdings Inc. W. C. Van Hoozer. Winds SSE at 10 to 15 mph. by the Oklahoma Historical Society. H. C.Gray, J. L. Harris, F. B. Houglin,Sam Hewitt, Geo. The Pauls Valley Democrat is a tri-weekly newspaper published in Pauls Valley, Oklahoma, United States, covering Pauls Valley and other communities in Garvin County. The Pauls Valley Junior High Students of the Month for January 2021 are seventh-graders Lily Ray and Anthony Boucher, eighth graders Ximena Sanchez and Tanner Perry and … H. L. Carder, Jesse Chipman,T. View items with no specified calendar date here. Full Forecast; Pauls Valley, Oklahoma. Jack Dallas Grimmett, of Pauls Valley, passed away March 12, 2020 in Pauls Valley, Oklahoma at the age of 19 years. We rep-resent the largest companies doing business in Ok-lahoma and can lend you liberal amounts at lowrates. Get a copy of this page or view the extracted text. B. Archer, R. C. Bishop. Drake will be in their office in theJackson building where they will beglad to conf'er with parents and pu-pils about their work for the congingyear.Cooperation insures success.MARRIED AT CHICKASHAMr. E. Williams, O. M. Reed.I . Pauls Valley Democrat. The superintendents ofthese departments have prepared spl-endid premium lists, and they are ex-pecting their departments to beamong the best of the entire fair.Don't disappoint them.We are expecting a dandy collec-tions from the club boys and girls,and the educational exhibits are notto be forgotten. Winds light and variable.. Tonight Partly cloudy. M.C., The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture. Free and paid classified ads Newspaper Ads Classifieds. 'al and the news of his resigna-OKDkRKI) tjon will l e received with regret bythe hundreds who have business with- this office and who know him. By nextwpek this time 25 teachers will belooking for comfortable quarters.Qltizens who have such accommoda-tions should list them by phone withSupt. A more complete list is now available of champions from the 2021 Garvin County Junior Livestock Show held recently at the county fairgrounds in Pauls Valley. The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; Winds S at 10 to 20 mph.. Tonight. Please wait! Hopefully it will go on for another 40 years. S. in the Jackson building, 7thgrade in Jefferson and 8th in Leebuilding. Your money is ready for you the day yourtitle shows good. Bowling and | F. 11. officers(from the regular army. PV Homecoming Parade 2014 . newspaper M. Carrthe hardware store by!
. 3 mileseast of Maysville. It is owned … H. A.Tlllinghaust, M. E. Brown, R. K.Barton, C. E. Willams, T. J. Coving-ton, James Griffin, and A. C. the civil cases we will give thedocket as disposed of in the next is-sue up to that date.Following are the Jurors impan-elled for the term and who are serv-ing.W. Co-unty Attorney Monroe Osborn and as-sistant Mac Q. Wiliamson are busylooking after the states Interest on thecriminal side of the docket.In the criminal branch the follow-•otton buyer bought I,ng caseH have come on for trial todate:State vs. powell Rose, charged withkilling, jury impanelled and alter ev-idence was introduced court instru-cted Jury to return a verdict of notguilty.State vs. H. P. Windham of Lind-say on trial for murder came up fortrial Wednesday and the case is ex-pected to go to the Jury by noon to-day (Thursday). After a short business>r so before that. Six different players scored in the initial run with Deacon Davidson leading the way with five points. Cv,working a bar from over an inside 'hp,f1 at A(la ,ast week was given. 26.v,A\FAIR OPENSNEXT THURSDAYREGISTRATION OF HTVDENTSNEXT WEEKThe registration of high schoolstudents will take place next week,Sept. Published in Pauls Valley Daily Democrat on February 11, 2021 Jimmie Jarman. Kaykendall, E. C. Leal. Pauls Valley, OK (73075) Today. Browse the most recent Pauls Valley, Oklahoma obituaries and condolences. RERECEIVEDThe furnishings for the new courtcrated and placed this week. accessed March 12, 2021), Seeton. Published in Pauls Valley Daily Democrat on September 8, 2020 Estelle Pennington. Competent judges from the A.<& M. College will be here to do thejudging.Bruno's Big Tent show with thethirty comedians and big brass bandwill furnish the very best good,wholesome amusement.T. F. Grant, Vice-Pres.E. MemeberS present were.Mrs. Dan was asked to serve on the Human Rights Committee of the Garvin County Community Living Center in 1982 and served continually in that position for 38 years. Mr. Roundtree has purchasedrates on insurance will be raised hea- an interest in the old Pare shop fromvily and that in the next lew months. Hunter, A. F. Jolly,X. Low 61F. Pauls Valley Daily Democrat Retail ads. Basic information for referencing this web page. 3 Publication: Pauls Valley Democrat i Location: Pauls Valley, Oklahoma Issue Date: Thursday, January 13, 1944 was provided to The Gateway to Oklahoma History The two teams went back and forth for mush of the first half. Whitebead Fun Day 2014 . “Pauls Valley is so lucky to have this park,” said Cloutier, who for the last few years has been a tree board member. Oklahoma Digital Newspaper Program and Al-though his new position will carryregular meeting of the j him over the state Mr. and Mrs.County Commissioners on Lewis will continue to maintain PaulsDISTRICTSURVEYEDAt theBoard ofTuesday the hearing on the proposed | Valley as their residence which willRush Creek "drainage district came ' be welcome news.up for hearing and several interested j Mr. Oliphant who succeeds Mr.roperty owners were present. 1. eight pages : ill. ; page 22 x 13 in. , |dation from the higher command forMr.Lewis was serving his second j the splendid condition and work ofterm as County Clerk having been re-elected a year ago without an oppon-ent, but the confinement of the of-fice had impaired his health and up-otithe urgent recommendation of hisbeen the proposition heretofore and I physician reluctantly resigned. Select a month or day from the calendars below to view … Five teachers in Pauls Valley have been honored at each of their schools as one will soon get the biggest salute of all. Location: Pauls Valley, Oklahoma Temperature: 63° F They are worthhalf price in exchange for newbooks of the same grade.All the buildings and desks arebeing thoroughly renovated andmade clean and sanitary.At the beginning the organizationwill be much the same as last year.H. It is owned by Community Newspaper Holdings Inc. Cloudy. Page: J. W. Daughtery,Ed Craig lctcalboth bales paying 11c in the seed foreach bale. A. Snodgrass.The following members respondedto roll call: Mesdames A. S. Spaug-ler, R. L. Philips, C. S. Bush. 1922 - Obituary. 1939 - 2021 Obituary. pullDownEdition. LewisTrahern, W. T. Wallace and the hos-tess.A motion prevailed to advertise theregular meetings each month and dis-pense with calling the members bytelephone.Motion prevailed 'to have Saturday,Sept. [citation needed] It was previously called the Pauls Valley Daily Democrat … The afternoonsprogram was concluded by two beau-tiful piano solos rendered by MissesMarie Freeman and Winifred Goad.At the close of the meeting delici-ous cream and cake was served by thehostess. Obits are frequently published in the local newspaper where your deceased ancestor resided or other family members lived. Scattered thunderstorms this morning, then mainly cloudy during the afternoon with thunderstorms likely. Mrs. H. M.Cnrr, Mrs. Haygood Parham, Mrs. E.C. He was raised in Garvin County and lived most of his life in the Pauls Valley area. One of them will at some point soon be given the honor of district teacher of the year. Get directions, reviews and information for Pauls Valley Democrat in Pauls Valley, OK. Pauls Valley Democrat 108 S Willow St Pauls Valley OK 73075. Estelle (Elmore) Pennington of Stratford, Oklahoma was born December 10, 1922 in Stratford to Hobart and Ruth (Bates) McKnight. Post free classified ads. Save money in Pauls Valley with hundreds of coupons for local restaurants, activities, entertainment, home and auto repair. 1 Thursday, September 4, 1919, Sincerely, Jocelyn Rushing Mayor City of Pauls Valley. The deadline to apply is Friday, March 12. The propo-sition for buyers to handle the brushwhile getting a car load bought hasOliphant to serve out the unexpired men received high words of commen-term. C. Crossfield, R. W. Carter, R. A.Carter. Pauls Valley, Okla.School Booksiand SuppliesAll your supplies necessary for School Work areto be found at our Store.The New Adopted Books will be received withintfhe next few days. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph. Pauls Valley Democrat. In May 2011, the paper adopted its current name after reducing its frequency to three issues a week. Parents as well as pu-pils should remember to exchangeold books for new. Search Obituaries. Judge Lewis as county c'srk it well qualifiedH. Capt. They wereyoungsters none of them apparentlyover lo years of age. Immedi-ately following the ceremony theyoung* couple left on a short bridaltrip expecting to go to Medford by thelatter part of this week where theywill make their home and where Mr.Scott holds a responsible position astelegraph operator.The bride comes from one of thebest families of Chickasha and is asplendid young woman of many ac-complishments. Pauls Valley Democrat (Pauls Valley, Okla.), Vol. Those having teams tl|ey cannotwell do without the use of for the fullthree days of the fair should see Mr.A. crediting Oklahoma Historical Society. Powered by WordPress. L. Pugh. 2020 Death Notice. The Board of CountyCommissioners are to be congratulat-ed upon their selection as they havesecured as good a man as could havebeen found for the position.Mr. City of Pauls Valley. Browse classified ads and free ads. Roady, L. M. Itader.W. 1 Thursday, September 4, 1919, View a full description of this newspaper, Brightness, Contrast, etc. One lam-Company O. Pauls Valley, Okla.Ihaving had two years experience inthis office under W. J. Harris and isfamiliar with the records and busi-ness of the office. National Guards arriv-ed home Btfnday afternoon after twoweekjS Intense training at Ft. Sill un-I der the supervision of the. Workmen are busy gettinga new fronr put in the building andputting in new fixtures and whenready for opening will be one of theswellest cafe's in the country.interesting and detailed report wasmade by Mrs. Carr. Ada improved to 4-1 on the year, while PVHS fell to 2-1. Look over thelong premium list and see how manythings listed you can make entries in.Bring in ten ear and fifty ear exhibitsOf your best corn and kal'ies, a bundleof your best grain, millet, sorghum,sweet clover, broom corn, a peck ofy< ur best small grain^ your best stalkof cotton, twenty bolls open cotton, abale of alfalfa, a small bundle fromSchool will begin Sept. 15. Celebrate and remember the lives we have lost in Pauls Valley, Oklahoma. This article about an Oklahoma newspaper is a stub. We want tohave one of the best livestock para-des ever seen in this part of the coun-try. Jimmie Jarman was born January 17, 1939 in Sulphur, Oklahoma to Charlie Vernon Jarman and Bobbie (Johnston) Jarman. Updated: March 9, 2021 @ 7:20 pm First check for $250 gets it. Mostly clear. This week is the time for Garvin County voters to apply for voter registration in order to be eligible to cast a ballot in an election coming on April 6. * Phone: 405-238-6491 * P.O. She passed away in Ada, Oklahoma at the age of 97 years, 7 …, Newspapers published in the Southern United States stubs, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2012, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 16 March 2018, at 18:21. Cloudy. The Panthers continued … Browse classified ads. 13th tag day.And right here we will explain thereason for this. A. ! Toggle navigation Menu. Pauls Valley Democrat - Barry Porterfield Issues ranging from Planned Parenthood to negotiations with Iran were front and center for a U.S. Congressman’s brief town hall talk in Pauls Valley… 220 persone ne parlano. Whitebead Fun Day 2014 . S. C. Edwards, Mrs. Ed Shumate,Mrs. I). 1939 - 2021 Obituary. Pauls Valley Democrat - Browse Dates - 1915 Pauls Valley Democrat contains 52 items from 1915 . It is absolutely necessaryThe new H. S. will be ready by Oct. have a larger supply of water and asno funds are available the only alter-native is to issue bonds. Other children on the southside of Rush Creek should go to theLee building. N winds at 10 to 20 mph, decreasing to less than 5 mph. Don't forget we have the mostcomplete stock of School Supplies in your eounty.BAKER DRUG COMPANYTHE NYALL QUALITY STORE.Phone 52. In May 2011, the paper adopted its current name after reducing its frequency to three issues a week. Photo Sharing; About SmugMug; Browse Photos; Prints & Gifts Welcome to the official Facebook page of the Pauls Valley Democrat, Pauls Valley, Oklahoma. 16, No. Post free classified ads. 16, No. M. Shelley. Free and paid classified ads. Initially employed with his dream job at Legal Aid of Western Oklahoma, he decided that it would be best for the family to move to Pauls Valley where he opened his own practice in 1981. Low 59F. 4 Publication: Pauls Valley Democrat i Location: Pauls Valley, Oklahoma Issue Date: Thursday, August 13, 1942 “Pauls Valley is also that town that's known for trees. If you don't find your ancestor in the Pauls Valley Daily Democrat … Pauls Valley Democrat (Pauls Valley, Okla.), Vol. Pauls Valley jumped out with a 17-2 run and never looked back in a 62-47 win. Garvin County Homecoming 2015 . Mar. P.O. The Pauls Valley Democrat is a tri-weekly newspaper published in Pauls Valley, Oklahoma, United States, covering Pauls Valley and other communities in Garvin County. Free and paid classified ads. SpecialgueHts were: Mrs. E. H. Scrivner andMrs. Advertising discounts in Pauls Valley Democrat, Garvin County News Star and 97.7 KICM radio Chamber Chatter Monthly E-newsletters that connect you to the Chamber and the community The two teams were scheduled to meet again Tuesday evening in Pauls Valley. Pauls Valley Daily Democrat reserves the right to edit for grammar, punctuation, spelling and format. Quinnell, Jf#L. Butcher.Parents are urged to start theirchildren at the beginning and keepthem in school to lnsfire the best re-sults.BONDS FOR WATEREXTENSIONThe election to vote $20,000 for ad-ditional water supply will be held onFriday, September 12th. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight. Low 63F. 1 Thursday, September 4, 1919, newspaper, September 4, 1919; Pauls Valley, Oklahoma. Mr. Ramsey was present-ed with a substantial premium forthe first bale made up among thebusiness and professional firms of thecity in the amount of $75.00.Both bales were sent to the newPlanters Gin.PLl'MRlNfa SHOP TO MOVELatimer & Hughes, plumbers andtin shop, have rented the WalterHart buildinK that is being rebuiltat the rear of Shumate's store andwill occupy same when completed,and expect to move about the fifteen-th of this month. Low 57F. is part of the collection entitled:
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