Spenser Rapone, a former second lieutenant whose "Communism Will Win" photo rocked the internet in 2017 after being featured by this publication, has received an "Other Than Honorable" discharge from the U.S. Army. It is uncertain whether or not Rapone’s career -or at least experiences at Ranger School- will be hindered upon the discovery of his activities by Army officials. So that fellow, Spenser Rapone who flashed his support for communism and his disdain for the US at his graduation last year seems to be in a world of shit. Rapone will be speaking at Socialism 2018 in July. It is not clear if he had the ability to attend Ranger school while serving in the Army Rangers or if he attended and failed. At the other end of the spectrum, in 2018, the Army forced out a junior officer, 2nd Lt. Spenser Rapone, who had used his Twitter account to espouse the … At Ranger School, students do not wear rank, and therefore while Lt. Rapone technically outranked the RI, his rank was meaningless at the time. Left: Army 2nd Lt. Spenser Rapone graduating from West Point in May of 2016. Looks like the Commie Cadet is well on his way to become the first Army General who advocates the overthrow of the American Government. Taking to Twitter, Rapone and his socialist allies confirmed he would be speaking at a socialist event in July after he was finished being pushed out of the Army this month with an other than honorable discharge. Rapone said his journey to communism grew out of his experiences as an Army Ranger in Afghanistan before he was accepted into the U.S. Military Academy. Thank you for visiting Spenser Rapone Ranger, we hope you can find what you need here. Spenser Rapone, 25, was spotted on social media supporting kneeling football players -exercising freedom of speech- with photos of him promoting communism at his graduation -displaying symbols that have traditionally suppressed free speech. A former member of the 75th Ranger Regiment-turned West Point graduate and infantry officer has -for better or worse- put his far-left wing ideologies on display during his graduation from the US Military Academy in May of last year. The content of this webpage may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written consent of Bright Mountain Media, Inc. which may be contacted at info@brightmountainmedia.com, ticker BMTM. Since then, the image has gotten a lot of attention, particularly in light of the recent NFL free speech scandal. Copyright © 2021 PopularMilitary | All Rights Reserved. His expulsion came after a viral tweet showing him — clad in uniform, fist raised — displaying a hat reading, “COMMUNISM WILL WIN.” The content of this webpage may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written consent of Bright Mountain Media, Inc. which may be contacted at info@brightmountainmedia.com, ticker BMTM. 11.11.2018. Second lieutenant Spenser Rapone, 25, received a less-than-honorable discharge after the army accepted his resignation and flipped his middle finger at Fort Drum, New York, on his way out. Right: Army Private First Class Spenser Rapone receiving his "Ranger Scrol" patch after completing Ranger Assessment and Selection Program in 2011. This site is owned and operated by Bright Mountain Media, Inc., a publicly owned company trading with the symbol. “At Socialism 2018 I’ll be sitting down with with [sic] Spenser Rapone, the US Army Ranger, Afghan-war combat vet, recent West Point graduate, and now war-resister, who sparked nation-wide fury after publicly supporting Colin Kaepernick and Socialism during his West Point graduation,” Rory Fanning, also an ex-Ranger, tweeted Wednesday. At worst, however, Cadet Rapone’s statements bespeak either a severe mental or psychological disorder, or a genuine commitment to values and ideals wholly at odds with those of West Point and the Army.”. A US Army officer and West Point graduate is on his way out with a less than honorable discharge* after exposing himself as a Communist who does not support the US Constitution. Spenser Rapone is a former Army Ranger and Infantry Officer recently separated from the military for speaking out against its imperialist violence. Spenser Rapone was accepted to West Point in 2012, graduated in 2016 — and received an “other than honorable discharge” in June. “At, best, Cadet Rapone’s online ideological screeds reveal the philosophical infatuations of a precocious adolescent, rather like a school boy who cannot stop spouting off about Nietzsche,” he wrote in a statement disseminated by SOFREP. “Rapone clearly was and is a national security threat.” Follow Eric on Twitter. Less than a year after Spenser Rapone’s images drew a firestorm of vitriol and even death threats, the second lieutenant is officially out of the Army with an other-than-honorable discharge. Rapone is shown here during graduation ceremonies at … And those views only hardened during his studies of history as one of the academy’s “Long Gray Line.” (@punkproletarian) September 25, 2017. Rapone is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America and  is serving as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army’s 10th Mountain Division, though he is currently at Ranger School. This phase tends to be ephemeral, the erstwhile youthful firebrand eventually emerging from the selfadulatory fog after eye-opening encounter with equally brilliant people articulating cogent, well-supported, and entirely contrary arguments, or having gained sufficient life experience to illustrate the fundamental interpretive emptiness that renders any strictly Manichaean worldview emotional unfulfilling and analytical bankrupt. Rapone was an enlisted man who served briefly in 1st Ranger Battalion, was, according to reports, booted out of that unit, applied for a West Point appointment via the Military Academy Prep School from former Democrat Congressman Jason Altmire, graduated West Point and was commissioned in 2016. Still, the troubling question remains- how many other “Spenser Rapones” are in military service, particularly ones who can keep their mouths shut? Spenser Rapone was like a character who stepped out of a Bruce Springsteen song. He has also been known to contribute to the left-wing think tank, The Hampton Institute. After completing Airborne school at Fort Benning, he completed the rigorous Ranger Assessment and Selection Program and was assigned to the the 1st Ranger Battalion in Savannah, Georgia. Spenser Rapone (Twitter) Rapone was an infantry officer in the 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum, N.Y. A … Rapone said his journey to communism grew out of his experiences as an Army Ranger in Afghanistan before he was accepted into the U.S. Military Academy. He has deployed to Afghanistan and received a combat infantryman badge (CIB). Rapone’s discharge will place him in a situation where he will not be entitled to VA benefits and he may have to reimburse the US Government for his time at West Point. An other than honorable discharge means Rapone will not be entitled to VA benefits or the GI Bill. He enlisted as an infantryman out of high school in 2010, and deployed to Afghanistan in 2011. Spenser Rapone, U.S. Army The United States Army is so impressed with Spenser Rapone, they decided to promote him to first lieutenant. “Spenser Rapone is a former Army Ranger and Infantry Officer recently separated from the military for speaking out against its imperialist violence. )Now, apparently, he’s been discharged. According to photos on Rapone’s Facebook page, he became close to Hosein, a Ph.D. in Islamic history from the University of Chicago. Spenser Rapone, a member of DSA’s Veterans Working Group, is a former Army Ranger and Infantry Officer who resigned his commission in June 2018 due to his opposition to U.S. imperialism. Operating under the twitter handle “punkproletarian,” Rapone supports various extreme left-wing ideologies, including more violent fringe groups such as Black Lives Matter and Antifa. According to SOFREP, Rapone’s fate was largely kept hush by the Army itself, only to come to public light -once again- thanks to Rapone’s seeming inability to keep quiet on public forum. I guess folk have tracked him down in his enlisted assignments and his time at the Ranger Battalions was less than stellar if we believe our friends at Connecting Vets who report that; Like Eric on Facebook. Copyright © 2021 PopularMilitary | All Rights Reserved. The elder Rapone’s Facebook page has been taken down as of Wednesday. Rory Fanning, a former Army Ranger and conscientious objector, tweeted on Tuesday that he … Spenser Rapone is a former Army Ranger and Infantry Officer who resigned his commission in June 2018 due to his opposition to United States imperialism. after several incidents of insubordination and gross negligence, including circumventing his chain of command by enlisting the outside help of a U.S. Spenser Rapone (front left) displays his 1st Ranger Battalion combat patch while he poses for a photo with other cadets at West Point. In a good case for why military officers should stay off social media (if they want to accomplish their goals, anyway), 2LT Spenser Rapone is getting the boot from the US Army after he posted graduation photos of himself wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt under his uniform and wrote “communism will win” on the inside of his cap. Rapone also describes what happened when he chose Pat Tillman, who was killed in 2004 while serving an Army tour in Afghanistan, to be his so-called “Airborne Ranger in the Sky.” All rights reserved. This site is owned and operated by Bright Mountain Media, Inc., a publicly owned company trading with the symbol. While serving as an Army infantry Ranger, he deployed overseas (not known where at this time) and saw combat, which earned him the Army’s Combat Infantryman Badge. In case there was any lingering doubt, hasta la victoria siempre pic.twitter.com/0XrW38wcCk, — Commie Bebop? Right: Army Private First Class Spenser Rapone receiving his "Ranger Scrol" patch after completing Ranger Assessment and Selection Program in 2011. “Spenser Rapone held a security clearance, but he advocated violence against political opponents and expressed admiration for Private Manning, a traitor who provided troves of classified information to Wikileaks,” Rubio wrote. He enlisted as an infantryman out of high school in 2010, and deployed to Afghanistan in 2011. Spenser displays his 1st Ranger Battalion combat patch while he poses for a photo with other cadets at West Point. Left: Army 2nd Lt. Spenser Rapone graduating from West Point in May of 2016. Donald Trump is sending thousands of troops to the southern border to confront the migrant caravan. All rights reserved. The Army Times reported that Rapone received his tan beret and 75th Ranger Regiment scroll in the spring of 2011. A spokeswoman for the 10th Mountain Division confirmed that Rapone had started Ranger School at Fort Benning, Georgia — near Columbus — in February 2017 but did not complete the course. One West Point teacher -LTC Robert Heffington- produced a scathing description of Rapone in a sworn statement regarding his concerns of having a Marxist cadet. Spenser Rapone is a former Army Ranger and Infantry Officer who resigned his commission in June 2018 due to his opposition to United States imperialism. On February 11, he posted an article titled “Know Your (Gun) Rights! WATERTOWN, N.Y. — The images Spenser Rapone posted on Twitter from his West Point graduation were intentionally shocking: In one, the smirking cadet opens his dress uniform to … In short, Rapone saw himself as a subversive agent of communism, infiltrating the US military from within with intent to destroy it. Spenser Rapone, a New Castle native, has received an other than honorable discharge from the US Army. Spenser is my son and I love him dearly however I do not like nor condone his politics, his actions or behavior. Share This Tweet Nearly a year ago, the story of Army Lieutenant Spenser Rapone was a big item. Prior to West Point, the New Castle, PA native enlisted in the Army where he was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 54th Infantry Regiment at Fort Benning for basic training and infantry training in 2010. Senator to override his company commanders decision to not recommend him … “At Socialism 2018 I’ll be sitting down with with Spenser Rapone, the US Army Ranger, Afghan-war combat vet, recent West Point graduate, and now war-resister, who sparked nation-wide fury after publicly supporting Colin Kaepernick and Socialism during his West Point graduation,” Fanning wrote. In short, Rapone saw himself as a subversive agent of communism, infiltrating the US military from within with intent to destroy it. Both … Rory Fanning; Spenser Rapone; Central American Migrants Are Not Your Enemy. And he had some choice words for his chain of command: (Read all RedState coverage of Rapone. The soldier pictured, now 2nd Lt. Spenser Rapone, had been openly serving as an avowed communist supporting the downfall of the U.S. government. About Spenser Rapone. After this display was reportedly heard by … According to multiple sources who served with 2LT Rapone in Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 75 Ranger Regiment, he was “removed for standards” or “RFS’d” from the unit. Spenser Rapone — the Army soldier who became notorious after a picture of him in his West Point uniform holding a “Communism Will Win” sign circulated the web — was discharged from the Army this month, according to social media postings. Rapone, a former enlisted Ranger who had completed the US Military Academy Prep School and graduated from West Point, was made famous by his own social media posts showing him regaling communism and wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt under his cadet uniform. A subsequent investigation revealed that Rapone was not only openly Communist, but believed that the US Government must be destroyed from within, his beliefs operating the lines of Communist philosopher Rudi Dutschke’s strategy of the “long march through the institutions.”. “The ‘misunderstood’ and ‘persecuted’ young genius shouts truth to power by cobbling together ideas and quotations popping up in chat rooms or on Facebook walls, certain that his provocative and shocking proclamations will, based solely upon their vehemence and sarcasm, demonstrate both the profound sincerity and the unassailable correctness of his viewpoints. It was during Rapone’s 2016 USMA graduation that he posed for photos of himself wearing a Che Guevara shirt under his uniform and the message “Communism Will Win” pasted inside of his dress cap. If you wanna have it as yours, please right click the images of Spenser Rapone Ranger and then save to your desktop or notebook. Rapone, who is from New Castle, had graduated from West Point in May 2016. And … It was during Rapone’s 2016 USMA graduation that he posed for photos of himself wearing a Che Guevara shirt under his uniform and the message “Communism Will Win” pasted inside of his dress cap. While in the 1st Ranger Battalion he completed at least one deployment and Air Assault School before going over to the United States Military Academy in New York.
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