365 Dr. King quote

100 Days of Nonviolence

Day 8

Opening Breath and Affirmation: 

Take some deep breaths. Say, I will be Nonviolent by being determined to rise above my old ways.

Quote of the Day: 

"The ultimate measure of a person is not where they stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where they stand at times of challenge and controversy." –Martin Luther King Jr.

Today in Social Movement History: 

On January 22, 2006, Evo Morales was inaugurated as President of Bolivia, becoming the country's first indigenous president.

Nonviolent Word of the Day: 

AHIMSA – The Hindi word for non-injury, or nonviolence made popular by Gandhi as the central value of his beliefs and leadership.

Activity of the Day: 

If you and your family are immigrants--whether they came to the place you now live willingly or unwillingly--research the indigenous people who lived in your area before you. Are the indigenous population still alive and culturally active in this area or not? Part of peacemaking is to get to know the history (the good and the bad, the ugly and the beautiful) of the land on which we walk, shop, live, and work.  If you are indigenous, share your story with someone today. If you are not indigenous, do you know anyone who is? Listen to their story today.


Do you like studying history/herstory?  Why or why not? If your face were to show up in the history/herstory books in the future, what would you like it to be for?

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