365 Dr. King quote

100 Days of Nonviolence

Day 1

Opening Breath and Affirmation: 

Take a deep breath and say, I will be Nonviolent by encouraging my peers to only use positive words and thoughts.

Quote of the Day: 

"I still believe that love—universal, unconditional love—is the key to peace. Love leads to forgiveness. Forgiveness leads to healing. Healing leads to community. Community leads to a lasting peace." –Mrs. Coretta Scott King

Today in Social Movement History: 

On January 15, 1929, Martin Luther King Junior was born in Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America. If he were alive today he would be 85 years old.

Nonviolent Word of the Day: 

AGAPE – Overflowing unconditional love for all, including adversaries, needed for nonviolent conflict-resolution. Dr. King called it “love in action…love seeking to preserve and create community…love which is purely spontaneous, unmotivated, groundless and creative.”

Activity of the Day: 

When you have a really good idea, or see a really good idea, you want to spread the word! For today's activity check out all the ways to spread the word about the 100 days of Nonviolence.  Together or individually use the #choosenonviolence and watch your commitment to these 100 days of nonviolence register with the thousands of others! On Facebook you can like us at facebook.com/thekingcenter.org. We've got Instagram, YouTube, and Tumblr connections too!


What are three things you are hoping to learn more about during this 100 days of nonviolence?

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