365 Dr. King quote

100 Days of Nonviolence

Day 11

Opening Breath and Affirmation: 

Take a deep breath and say, I will be Nonviolent by being respectful to my peers and elders.

Quote of the Day: 

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed." –Dwight D. Eisenhower, April 1953

Today in Social Movement History: 

On January 25, 1890, investigative journalist Nellie Bly completes her round-the-world journey in 72 days

Saturday's Organization: 

Christian Peacemaker Teams, www.cpt.org, is an organization dedicated to building partnerships that transform violence and oppression. They respond to invitations around the world to stand alongside local peacemakers and community leaders who are actively, nonviolently, resisting the injustices they face. Currently they walk children who must pass through Israeli military checkpoints to/from school (in occupied Palestine), and support Jewish peace activists who seek an end to the military occupation there. They support Iraqi civilians in the north of the country (Kurdistan) as they return to their cultivated lands after being displaced by bombs and oil exploration. With farmers in Colombia they learn together how to create communities of peace in the midst of devastating US-funded violence and corporate exploitation of the conflict. In North America they are active in justice activities to address structural violence, including standing alongside First Nations (in Canada) as they continue to protect the culture of native lands from fracking and dumping, and work for the demilitarization of the US-Mexico border.  CPT takes anyone who wants to go on two-week trips to these areas, and has teams made up of internationals on the ground full-time.

Activity of the Day: 

Nellie Bly was the pen-name of Elizabeth Jane Cochrane, who got her start when she responded to a demeaning article written about women in one of the papers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  The editor was impressed with the writing of "Nellie Bly" and so offered "him" the job.  When the editor found out that "he" was actually Elizabeth, a woman, the editor refused to give her the job.  She persuaded him, and went on to become a forerunner in the field of investigative journalism.

Create a short story about someone (human animal or non-human animal) that overcomes the odds. You can use your story or use your imagination! (Write, draw, or act it out with others near you!)


Nellie Bly, and the members of CPT have in common, the characteristic of persistence. Persistence against the odds and to face the stereotypes and overcome them to see the humanity and talents in one another.  Write or draw about a time when you overcome stereotypes and/or persistent against the odds. (This can flow from the story you created in today's activity).

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