365 Dr. King quote

100 Days of Nonviolence

Day 15

Opening Breath and Affirmation: 

Take a deep breath and say,  I will be Nonviolent by respecting ALL members of the Beloved Community.

Quote of the Day: 

"Peace is love that is passed on from generation to generation." –Clifford, age 8

Today in Social Movement History: 

On January 29, 1996 the populace demands that the El Salvadoran government return equipment to 11 community radio stations that it confiscated because it was threatened by the independent media. They returned it.

Nonviolent Word of the Day: 

CONFLICT RESOLUTION – Ending of conflict, disputes or disagreements by nonviolent means with intent to achieve a “win-win” outcome for all parties.

Activity of the Day: 

Find one statistic (you can take a poll of the people around you, or find a statistic on a reliable internet site or book) that gives you insight into how personal or structural violence functions in your community (or society). - See more at: http://choosenonviolence.org/node/164#sthash.OFzn9msy.dpufind one statistic (you can take a poll of the people around you, or find a statistic on a reliable internet site or book) that gives you insight into how personal or structural violence functions in your community (or society). - See more at: http://choosenonviolence.org/node/164#sthash.OFzn9msy.dp

Find one statistic (you can take a poll of the people around you, or find a statistic on a reliable internet site or book) that gives you insight into how personal or structural violence functions in your community (or society).  If you did this during yesterday's activity, simply find a statistic relating to another issue.


Write or draw about how you addressed any violence (interpersonal, communal, or structural) that you encountered today.

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