365 Dr. King quote

100 Days of Nonviolence

Day 22

Opening Breath and Affirmation: 

Take a deep breath and say, I will be Nonviolent by complimenting at least two people every day.

Quote of the Day: 

"Every public reform was once a private opinion." –Ralph Waldo Emerson

Today in Social Movement History: 

On February 5, 1925 demonstrations for rent reduction happened all over Valparaiso, Chile.

Nonviolent Word of the Day: 

DEMONSTRATIONS – Gatherings and protest activities organized to build support for peace, justice or social reform.

Activity of the Day: 

Using popsicle sticks (tongue depressers) and post-it notes (or colorful scrap paper), make minature versions of signs that you would carry to a demonstration.


Write or draw about a demonstration you saw or were a part of.

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