365 Dr. King quote

100 Days of Nonviolence

Day 65

Opening Breath and Affirmation: 

Take a deep breath and say,  I will be Nonviolent by respecting ALL members of the Beloved Community.

Quote of the Day: 

"The spiral of responding to violence with violence is like a whirlpool in a river. As the water pours in, it whirls faster and faster. The only way to stop the whirlpool is to place a solid rock in the middle. Peacemakers are called to be rocks in the whirlpool of violence." –Susan Classen

Nonviolent Word of the Day: 


Now we will work with the CARA process ourselves.  Again, the CARA four steps are:


1)      Center yourself

2)      Articulate your truth

3)      Receive the truth of the other person, and

4)      Agree, don’t assume.

Activity of the Day: 

Yesterday, we spoke about saving face. The word for face in Spanish is cara.  So, one way to remember how to help you your "opponent" save face in a situation of conflict is to remember CARA:

The CARA four steps are:

1)      Center yourself

2)      Articulate your truth

3)      Receive the truth of the other person, and

4)      Agree, don’t assume.


Practice the above activity!

To close, take another deep breath and repeat the affirmation.

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