365 Dr. King quote

100 Days of Nonviolence

Day 54

Opening Breath and Affirmation: 

Take a deep breath today and say, I will be Nonviolent by devastating mediocrity, I will ask the question “what else can be done to realize the Dream?”

Quote of the Day: 

"Treat the earth well…it was not given to you by your parents…it was lent to you by your children." –Kenyan proverb

Sunday's Character of Nonviolence: 

Today's character of nonviolence is.... (drum roll please) .....


Yes, you! You deserve credit for continuing to exist and shape the world.  Your unique story is an important part of the tapestry of your community.  Self-love is not separate from love for others and care for yourself is not different than caring for others.  Thank you for taking the time to read these posts in the 100 Days of Nonviolence, and we would be happy to hear feedback about how you are involved in the movement for nonviolent social change and how we can support you.  Email 2014kho@thekingcenter.org!

Activity of the Day: 

Do something fun! Is it hard to find something fun to do that is not violent to yourself or others? Why or why not?


To close, take another deep breath and repeat the affirmation.

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