365 Dr. King quote

100 Days of Nonviolence

Day 50

Opening Breath and Affirmation: 

Take a deep breath and say, I will be Nonviolent by being prepared to lead a healthy life.

Quote of the Day: 

"Those who work for peace will do best if they keep open the process of exchanging ideas, if they respect the differing commitments of others, and if they give persons of many persuasions love and support." –Edward Leroy Long Jr.

Today in Social Movement History: 

On March 5, 1966, the US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site. A group organizes to protest this violent use of tax-payer money; they continue until today.

Nonviolent Word of the Day: 

PETITION CAMPAIGNS – gathering of massive numbers of signatures in support of or opposed to a policy, proposal or law.

Activity of the Day: 

This is the same activity as yesterday, so that means you can do each action even better, since you know what is coming.  With physical exercise, practice makes perfect and repeated practice increases your ability to do something well.   It is important to keep our bodies healthy, so we can participate for a long time in the public movement for nonviolent social change. 

For this reason, find a stopwatch, and for 30 seconds each do the following activities, with 20 jumping jacks in between each one. Please modify the following exercises to fit your needs if you are disabled or differently-abled.

1. rolling head

2. touching toes

3. reaching up to the sky on tip-toe

4. spread feet apart and reach down left

5. keep feet apart and reach down right

6. roll right ankle while standing on your left foot

7. roll left ankle while standing on your right foot

8. roll shoulders in circles to the front

9. roll shoulders in circles to the back.

10. hip circles right and left

11. Any other simple movement you can think of!


Write or draw about a cause that you have signed a petition for, or would want to sign a petition for.

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