365 Dr. King quote

100 Days of Nonviolence

Day 49

Opening Breath and Affirmation: 

Take a deep breath and say, I will be Nonviolent by accepting that I am where I am because of the choices I have made and doing BETTER.

Quote of the Day: 

"Victory can be achieved by various means. It can be gained with tanks and missiles, but I think that one wins better with truth, honesty, and logic…this is a new weapon." –Lech Walesa, November 1982

Today in Social Movement History: 

On March 4, 1933 Bertha Wilson is appointed as first woman to sit on the Supreme Court of Canada.

Stories for Tuesday & Thursday: 

 “Love Walks” tells the story of a group of women of one of the neighborhoods of East Los Angeles who were moved to take nonviolent action to restore peace and create justice in addressing the challenges of gang conflict.  After reading a Bible passage the woman came to conviction that they were being called to respond to the daily violence which was killing and injuring many young people and was creating an atmosphere of fear, anger, grief and powerlessness.   (You can read the full story on Day 51).

Equipped only with food, musical instruments and prayer books, seventy women and a few men walked through the streets of their neighborhood where two gangs were about to do battle.  They invited the young people to pray, sing, and eat with them.  They talked and listened to the young people.  This creative initiative sparked numerous conversations between the women and the young people, which led to growing understanding and the development of jobs and a transformed community.  The walks continued for several years and the violence was dramatically reduced.

Activity of the Day: 

It is important to keep our bodies healthy, so we can participate for a long time in the public movement for nonviolent social change.  For example, it would be hard to participate in the Love Walks if you couldn't walk or move your wheelchair for a considerable amount of time.  This is called endurance. We need physical endurance as well as mental, emotional, and spiritual endurance.

For this reason, find a stopwatch, and for 30 seconds each do the following activities, with 20 jumping jacks in between each one. Please modify the following exercises to fit your needs if you are disabled or differently-abled.

1. rolling head

2. touching toes

3. reaching up to the sky on tip-toe

4. spread feet apart and reach down left

5. keep feet apart and reach down right

6. roll right ankle while standing on your left foot

7. roll left ankle while standing on your right foot

8. roll shoulders in circles to the front

9. roll shoulders in circles to the back.

10. hip circles right and left

11. Any other simple movement you can think of!


Write or draw about endurance. What type of endurance do you have the most of? What type do you want to develop more of? Make a plan to develop it/them.

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