365 Dr. King quote

100 Days of Nonviolence

Day 46

Opening Breath and Affirmation: 

Take a deep breath and say, I will be Nonviolent by not getting weary and remembering the struggle for freedom.

Quote of the Day: 

"Let us be wary of mass solutions, let us be wary of statistics. We must love our neighbors as ourselves." –Father Dominique Pire

Today in Social Movement History: 

On March 1, 1847 Michigan becomes the first state to abolish the death penalty.

Saturday's Organization: 

Peace First (formerly Peace Games) began as an annual festival to unite children to play cooperative games and share their visions for peace.  Dr. Francella Butler created the festival out of a belief that children had the responsibility to create peace in their world.  What began as a one-day festival is now a national movement that Peace First is catalyzing to celebrate young people and their potential for change all around them. Their website is: www.peacefirst.org. They have a Digital Activity Center that contains free resources to teach peace.

Activity of the Day: 

Think about your favorite cooperative game. Cooperative is more than team-work and two teams playing each other. It is a game that makes a win-win situation, if you figure out how to play well together. How do you feel after you play it? If you can’t think of a cooperative game, choose one from this list or create one yourself.


Write or draw about the cooperative game. If you are doing these 100 days of nonviolence by yourself, write or draw about the difference between a cooperative game and football.

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