365 Dr. King quote

100 Days of Nonviolence

Day 41

Opening Breath and Affirmation: 

Take a deep breath and say, I will be Nonviolent by taking step at a time to begin a long journey.

Quote of the Day: 

"You can’t shake hands with a clenched fist." –Indira Gandhi

Today in Social Movement History: 

On February 24, 303 the first official Roman edict for persecution of Christians issued. At this time, Christians responded nonviolently but were non-cooperative in the sense that they continued to gather to pray. They continued to share their possessions among one another and the poor. They continued to give hospitality to the sick, and to spread the nonviolent teachings of Jesus all over Western Asia.

Nonviolent Word of the Day: 

NONCOOPERATION – Refusal to participate in activities of or cooperate with individuals, governments, institutions, policies or laws that result in violence or injustice.

Activity of the Day: 

Find a copy of the Bible and read Matthew 5:38-42, which details Jesus' response to direct violence.  Turning the other cheek, giving one's cloak in addition to the tunic, and going the second mile are actions that are not simply accepting violence done to you.  Each action has a symbolic meaning that actually transforms the situation into one where the aggressor no longer has all the power, but the victim is becoming an agent--standing up for what s/he believes in!


Write or draw about a time when you did not cooperate because you felt like the order you were to obey was immoral or violent.

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